SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

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I had one of the beers go off in my kitchen today so please beware of Simons Old Ale, I would be releasing the gas or fridging it as soon as possible.


Good to see I wasn't the only Xmas case receiver to get a 'surprise'. Will be reporting back to my giver so he dont feel too bad.

I got NSW's 'surprise'. Mine went off in the garage...


Okay, just one more.

I remember trying wildebeest attack's belgian yesterday, and I liked it then. I like it now.

How strong is this, Tim? I'm supposed to be awake by 5:30.
Heres the recipe for the Belgian.

3.8 kg Pilsner Malt
1.8 kg Munich Malt
250 g Caraamber

20g Saaz Pellets (Mash)
20g Northern Brewer Pellets 10.6 %AA (60 Minutes)
20g Saaz Pellets 4%AA (15 Minutes)
Whirfloc (15 Minutes)

Wyeast 1762 Belgian Abbey II

Wouldn't be surprised if it was around 6 to 7 %. Broke my hydro and didn't take a final reading. Can't find my notes now either to say what it started at, but I think it was around 1.050. That Belgian yeast is pretty awesome stuff.
first beer of the rank for me is simons english old.
this beer is perfect, couldn't pick a single fault, can I have a whole case?
Clarity, colour, head retention and carbonation is all 100% spot on

Aroma is malty sweet with caramel notes, very very clean and also perfect

flavour has the alcohol there but not overly warming, the head affect after half a glass is right up there, after a full glass iam in my ellement, very clean flavour, not really overly sweet at all and seems to attenuated extremely well, fermentation is perfect. The alcohol sticks out somewhat but not over the top of the malt really that much, medium body and lovely caramel sweet flavours but not overly sweet at all. Some what very similar to a scotch ale.
Is very clean to me and doesn't have a lot of the complex flavours discribed in the bjcp guideline but to me I would give it close to the maximun score possible if I were to judge it as it is to me a perfect old ale.

Overall impression is wow man you have done a top job on this beer very top notch. I'am very impressed.

I'am gunna crawl
Just finished my first beer from the Xmas case... TDA's Octoberfest. Loved it. TDA can you please post the recipe or PM me it? That's the kind of beer I want to make one day.

Otherwise, I've just finished compiling a drinking list (those tha are ready to go and those that aren't). I think the Black Sh*tter Porter will be next... just to find out if it lives up to it's name. :)

Looking forward to some critical appraisal of my beer. I hope you guy's like it as you've all got two of mine...
I've got 2 bottles labeled "M3" and "M4" respectively. Whose are they, and what are they?
I was about to ask the same question, plus there are some others which iam not sure what they are, i'll post back which ones i mean later.

Two milds brewed by MAH, I think. Not ready to drink yet, I don't think.
M3 and M4 are indeed MAH's contributions, both milds from the same batch, but M4 is fermented with SAf04 and M3 with SAF33.

Both beers were only bottled on 10 December, so give the little darlings time :)
I just polished off SteveSA's Dunkel. Another great beer from the xmas case. As he has included the recipe that will be going into my brew list. A really nice rich malt flavour and balanced just right. My only criticism is that it was a little over carbonated for my taste. Probably spot on for style though.
i also had simons old ale a very nice beer and i do agree with jayse assemant of it i wish i had more of it well done simon
Just wanted to add that my American Brown ale is a little undercarbed.
but damm nice its malty plus has a good hop/malt aroma blame the cara aroma
Just the one beer tonight, Stu's little big man. Pours with very good head, aroma has a little bit of toffee, as is the flavour. Bittering crisp with a little bit of roughness. It does seem to be a little overcarbonated though and the yeast is still in suspension. No more xmas case beers for me till they've all had another week to settle.
ok just had my own beers, I said before they may not be ready yet due to only being bottled on the 1st but they are indeed good to go, enjoy brewers.

All my love
I've been through a few now and have really enjoyed the IPA contributions (being an all time personal favorite). Aaron - yours is lovely - be keen to have a look at your recipe to compare it to my own. The Rye IPA was also very very nice. ABBA indeed was a little under carbed, but enjoyed it nonetheless. Have just opened Joels Rather Ordinary Bitter - I reckon I could sit on a few of these for an afternoon.

Based on Jayse's appraisal of Simon's Old Ale, i've now whacked it in the fridge for tomorrow night. Looking forward to that.

Joel - the Black Sh*#ter Porter only really lives up to its name after 4+, but it possibly depends on ones metabolism. Look forward to reading your thoughts once consumed, and not to mention excreted.

I'm not much of a judge, but theres nothing so far thats made my tongue curl or had me heading for the kitchen sink, so great effort so far, brewers!! I'm enjoying them immensely.

ok i have gone through both simons last nite and both roachs tonite, both brewers beers are awesome and i have writen down quite lenghty notes on all of them so i will proberly post a few here and there but will most likely end up saving them all up and posting them in one hit.

jeez you brewers are good.

If i come across a bad beer amoung any of this lot than sorry i won't hold my tongue, but aside from (name taken out to protect the not so inocent) i don't expect to find any duds at all.

As I walk on down the highway
For fear of the unknown, please go easy on me in regard to the BSVE Pils, Jayse. As you know, it was bottled Saturday morning, and I've no idea how successful it will be. All the same, feedback welcome.
AnthonyMac said:
For fear of the unknown, please go easy on me in regard to the BSVE Pils, Jayse. As you know, it was bottled Saturday morning, and I've no idea how successful it will be. All the same, feedback welcome.
heehee... BSVE Pils - Abuse in a Bottle :lol:

It's not a review - it's a slogan. :ph34r:

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