Rule Of Thumb For Wet Hops

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Mitternacht Brauer

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At the moment I have a lager mashing and have just half filled a 20 liter bucket with Cluster for my plant . I had plans to use these in my lager but I am a bit intimidated with the amount I have picked.

So I would like to find some sort of conversion of dry flowers to wet flowers to add when its boil time . I have searched but came up dry . I had hoped that someone may have some idea or experience with their own hops .

Any help would be good as the boil stands to start at about 10.30pm Melbourne time.

Mitternacht brauer
I've read from various places at various times that you use 3-5 times (weight) as much as you would dry hops. I guess, the variation depends on the hop crop, growing climate, etc.
Just weighed them out and I have just over 500g wet . So I have taken what I need for this brew and the rest are about to go into the dehydrator for the night.
I have seen where the drying process for hops reduces their moisture content to 10%.

Cheers, Hoges.
Somewhere on the Brewing Network I heard 5 times as much wet hops as dry hops.
Thanks guys , I have gone the 5X amount .If its over the top then I can always lager it a bit longer .
with -1 minutes to go!
its 5-7: 1 (in theory), go with 6...but and its a big but, fresh wet hops are very "green" and besides you are wasting them in bittering, use some pellets for bittering and chuck the freshies in right at the end, the aroma should be sensational..
Just made my Wet Hop PA I went with 6X hops after getting rid of the excess moisture in the lettuce spinner. Used Magnum for bittering and went with 130g Chinook wet 15 mins, 105g at 5 mins and another 130g at 0 mins MmmH wort smells and tastes great fingers crossed for a good ferment

I dried 135g and ended with 25g dry, so 5-6 would work
I think 6 is the generally accepted rule of thumb.
I need to do a brew with all of last season's hops I have in the freezer, and potentially some early ones from this season. I am thinking of a MO base with perhaps a little carahell and 15 or so IBU of Norther Brewer at 60 min, then just dump everything in around 10-5 mins, and do a big load in a secondary as well for a few days.

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