Rogue Double Dead Guy

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After trying this beer at a friends house.. I decided I needed to source some more of it.. I picked up a bottle at Platinum Liquor Strathfield for $26.. At this price I'm going to have a shot at brewing a clone.

The great thing is there is ingredient list on the side of the bottle but they do not match what is currently on the Rogue Website. Did they tweak the recipe? It seems like they have removed crystal hops. I wouldn't be surprised if I've got an older bottle. Can anyone shed some light on this??

Has anyone tried to clone this?? How did it go?

Is that you Magro?

Edit: Should have just waited for the avatar to load. Damn you internets! Brb with my clone recipe. Well,. not mine, but one I found.
So, I couldn't find it. Found a Dead Guy Clone, but it is a totally different beer. Maybe someone else has brewed it or could have a stab at the recipe. Are you looking for AG? I assume you are still using your awesome homemade gear, that leaks a bit...

OT - And how's the IPA?
[quote name='O'Henry' post='639999' date='Jun 6 2010, 04:49 PM']So, I couldn't find it. Found a Dead Guy Clone, but it is a totally different beer. Maybe someone else has brewed it or could have a stab at the recipe. Are you looking for AG? I assume you are still using your awesome homemade gear, that leaks a bit...

OT - And how's the IPA?[/quote]

Yeah, All Gain.. Never touched that extract crap.. Never plan to..

My APA was brewed with my homemade mash tun.. It doesn't leak anymore.. Just needed a tighten.. Plus I used my grandma's pasta sauce boiler.. Worked quite well! Though I haven't tried it yet cos its up in the Hunter Valley with my dad. He said it was bitter so I'm taking that as a good sign..

The IPA's are still fermenting.. Probably bottle on Wednesday.. Regan and I brewed those so we used his sweet gear. That smelt amazing and tasted pretty fresh last weekend.. We racked them so I've go high hopes for the final flavor.

I've got a recipe mocked up.. Spent a bit of time putting it together from different sources.. Will post my final recipe when I'm done, but would love suggestions.
It may be worth an email to the brewery Magro. They may not say excatly what's in the recipe but will most likely confirm which is current, the label or the website.
Post the recipe now and then people can make suggestions around what you already have!
The label will be accurate for that bottle. Very recently they've changed the hopping for nearly all of their beers but the website hasn't been updated as yet.
Have never had the Double Dead Guy - but do like the singular dead guy.

From memory there was a Can you brew it episode on Dead Guy on the BN.
Might give some clues to making the Double.

The Single and the Double are different beers. The Double is not an Imperial Single. Very bizarre, but that is the way it is.
[quote name='O'Henry' post='640013' date='Jun 6 2010, 05:10 PM']Post the recipe now and then people can make suggestions around what you already have![/quote]

Here is my recipe as it stands. I intended on brewing without the Crystal.. But added it in as thats what the label says.. It bumped up the IBU to 60 so I figured it was getting closer. Feedback welcome.

Idea - Rogue - Double Dead Guy Clone

Type: All Grain Date: 20/05/2010
Batch Size: 33.00 L Brewer: Magro
Boil Size: 37.77 L Asst Brewer:


8.44 kg Pale Malt, Traditional Ale (Joe White) (3.0 SRM) Grain 64.78 %
3.06 kg Munich, Light (Joe White) (9.0 SRM) Grain 23.52 %
1.52 kg Crystal (Joe White) (72.0 SRM) Grain 11.70 %

132.59 gm Cascade [5.50 %] (60 min) Hops 38.5 IBU
59.82 gm Cascade [5.50 %] (30 min) Hops 13.3 IBU
47.97 gm Cascade [5.50 %] (10 min) Hops 5.1 IBU
47.97 gm Crystal [3.50 %] (10 min) Hops 3.2 IBU

1 Pkgs Pacman (Wyeast #Wyeast 1764PC)

Beer Profile
Est Original Gravity: 1.093 SG Measured Original Gravity: 1.093 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.022 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.022 SG

Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 9.30
% Actual Alcohol by Vol: 9.32 %

Bitterness: 60.1 IBU Calories: 916 cal/l
Est Color: 19.1 SRM
I'd be looking for a different bittering hop. Yes, it won't be a true clone, but it will still be pretty close. Magnum or Warrior would do fine, or Simcoe if you have a surplus. 240g of cascade is crazy! I'd be taking some of the cascade bittering hops and chucking them in at flameout, esp if you are using a chiller. So bitter with a high alpha, and then maybe halve your 30 min edition, more like 1 g/l, then use the other 1g/l at flameout. It is a big freaking beer, 4g/l in the last 20mins won't be out of place, imo. I'm sure someone will disagree with me... I am the guy who said '68C, 66C, 64C, what's the difference. It'll be fine!'

Also, maybe use a slightly darker Munich just to up the colour a bit more and also add more complexity to the flavours.
This is based on most of the recipes I've found on US home brewing sites.. None of them call for any other hop than crystal.. But I hear you...

Did you really say "68C, 66C, 64C, what's the difference. It'll be fine!" lmao

As for the grain.. Do you think it's the closest OZ alternatives.. I'll look at getting a darker Munich.
Does anyone else have any suggestions on the recipe?
Does anyone else have any suggestions on the recipe?

Why do you intend to brew it without the crystal malt?
Without that large amount of crystal, and as your changing the hopping up, its not really going to be double dead guy you end up with.

The type of crystal malt is pretty crucial too, JWM would possibly be too cloying.
Pretty sure 'crystal' refers to hops in this instance and 'intended' was past tense
I intended on brewing without the Crystal. But added it in as thats what the label says. It bumped up the IBU to 60 so I figured it was getting closer.
Why do you intend to brew it without the crystal malt?
Without that large amount of crystal, and as your changing the hopping up, its not really going to be double dead guy you end up with.

The type of crystal malt is pretty crucial too, JWM would possibly be too cloying.

Further clouding the issue, I'm pretty sure when he mentions his intentions regarding the use of crystal that he is referring to the hop not the grain.

The original recipe was all cascade so I'm sure it'd turn out nice either way. I've only had the version with the crystal and it is a cracker.

[EDIT: Curse you, manticle! Post left for posterity]
Yeap, roger that, Crystal hops, too much confusion, can't get no relief.
Yeah sorry, that was a little confusing!

I'll definitely be using both crystal malt and crystal hops now.. Still working on the hop profile though.

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