First round of post packs will be in the mail first thing tomorrow morning fellas.
Thanks for getting onto payment so quick.
A few people have asked for advice on planting.
Soil must be well draining, and I'd avoid feeding them until they settle in and establish a little. Organic potting mix would be a great starter. First year rhizomes spend a lot of energy growing a root stock and can appear slow...all of the work is going on underground. Second year be ready for the hop bine to take over your house.
Avoid temptation to dig around them to see how they are going after you plant them, and try not to bump the little nodes off the rhizome when handling and planting them...these are where they shoot bines from.
Most importantly, be patient and leave them alone once in the ground.
You will be amazed at the rate of growth these things can produce when they are happy.