This argument is always ridiculous.
If you are going to look at mark up you have to look at their entire product range, not just a single item.
If you still feel that they are making a massive profit and don't deserve it then either start up your own company and compete with them to bring the cost down for all involved or simply don't buy from them.
If a company has no competitors then they will charge a premium for their product... But if that premium is not justified then a competitor will come along and even things out. If a competitor doesn't come along then chances are that the premium was justified.
If you think that retailers are sitting back, ripping off customers and rolling around in their super profits then you really have no clue what so ever about the retail environment at the moment.
Ps... Not having a go at anyone in particular, but dealing with small businesses in the retail sector on a daily basis, this type of topic really gets on my nerve.
If you are going to look at mark up you have to look at their entire product range, not just a single item.
If you still feel that they are making a massive profit and don't deserve it then either start up your own company and compete with them to bring the cost down for all involved or simply don't buy from them.
If a company has no competitors then they will charge a premium for their product... But if that premium is not justified then a competitor will come along and even things out. If a competitor doesn't come along then chances are that the premium was justified.
If you think that retailers are sitting back, ripping off customers and rolling around in their super profits then you really have no clue what so ever about the retail environment at the moment.
Ps... Not having a go at anyone in particular, but dealing with small businesses in the retail sector on a daily basis, this type of topic really gets on my nerve.