Replace Hops With Gruit Or Become Impotent..

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Not trying to scare anyone here, but this article claims we should all stop drinking hoppy beers or face potentially becoming impotent!

Before hops entered the picture about 1750AD most/all beer was made with gruit rather than hops.
The mix of herbs made a very intoxicating drink.
Hops is relaxing and may lead to impotens, and generally a bad drink for men due to high levels of female hormons.

And it must be true, after all it is on the Internet! :)

Read it here:
Fine by me, I've already got two demons, no plans for any more. Yet :unsure:
...yet another argument to justify my brewing expenses :icon_cheers:

Shop brought beer + birth control is clearly more expensive than making home brew with a ton of hops
Fine by me, I've already got two demons, no plans for any more. Yet :unsure:

I have two and definitely no more.

I seem to remember reading that there was a lot of anti hops propaganda back in the day because the hops were primarily imports and the crown had interests in the spice and herb trade, but my memory could be hazy from all the hops...
pretty sure I read somewhere that back in the day (medievil days that is) gruit was 'owned' by religious organisations like monestries etc so you had to buy booze off them (damn religious organisations). So it would make sens that when people started switching to hops, the gruit mongerers strated crap like that to try and get people back to gruit beers so they could line their coffers.
pretty sure I read somewhere that back in the day (medievil days that is) gruit was 'owned' by religious organisations like monestries etc so you had to buy booze off them (damn religious organisations). So it would make sens that when people started switching to hops, the gruit mongerers strated crap like that to try and get people back to gruit beers so they could line their coffers.

Well, i think we're all reading too much and should stick to drinking instead.

... brewer's droop?! I thought that's just not being able to get it up from drinking too much...ahem not that it's ever happened to me of course.
What the world does not need more of is humans....I'll keep using hops thank you and do my bit for the environment.
There was a gruut article in the autumn beer and brewer magazine, it mentions that the use of gruut was controlled by the church, who banned the use of hops. It wasn't until the start of reformation until brewers could get easy access to them.
Before hops entered the picture about 1750AD most/all beer was made with gruit rather than hops.
The first documented use of hops dates to 736 and by the 1500's they were a regular ingredient in beer.
So given they can't even get their history correct, I'm not sure I'd be inclined to believe anything else.
mate, i've got 3 kids and one on the way..... i either need to find another form of relaxation or start to eat hops 3 times a day...

I'd be happy to give Gruit a go but they probably don't sell it at the LHBS....
LOL'ing through this thread. I have three kids...
Fine by me, I've already got two demons, no plans for any more. Yet :unsure:


I've had me fun bags tied to make sure :lol:

mate, i've got 3 kids and one on the way..... i either need to find another form of relaxation or start to eat hops 3 times a day...

I'd be happy to give Gruit a go but they probably don't sell it at the LHBS....

Geezus Man BUY A COLOUR TV!!!!! :p

I've had me fun bags tied to make sure :lol:

Geezus Man BUY A COLOUR TV!!!!! :p

Tying up your man boobs with bondage rope might not help Chappo :blink: .
Anyway are we sure its not a typo - impotent/ I'm potent - bring on the hops anyway.
I think some people have expressed similar sentiments to what I feel, frankly just a quick glance the "story" and there are a number of historical errors not to mention an incredible amount of spin.

It's a bit like getting told that nutmeg will get you stoned - which is true without being told you will spend three days throwing up in technicolour and wishing you were dead. Probably why you never meet nutmeg addicts.

The first two agricultural products were probably Bread and Beer in some form. As far back as we can find archaeological evidence something has been added to fermented grain to balance the flavour.

Gruit was one of many such additives it was replaced with hops because hops are better.


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