I did something similar in a stout I made this year ... haven't opened it yet.
The "don't bitter over 21 rule with POR" ... is it a myth?
It is 100% myth! I just bittered a stout with mothing but POR to over 40 IBU and it smelt great. Ive done the same with other beers too and its a great hop. Earthy and pleasant.
As for the recipe, id put the hops back to what they were, a chunk of goildings for flavour and aroma wont go astray.
The malt........ Id like to know what size batch your making. With a darker beer its important you ballance out the specilty malts so it all works together.
I will assume your making a 23 liter batch
here is your recipe, I would drop the caramalt (its a bit sweet) and use crystal malt. use about 50% more crystal than chocolate so the sweetness ballances the roast of the chocolate and black. the 1% black will be fine.
Im not sure what software you use but this was going to be a fairly bitter beer for a brown porter. When you get into the 1.060 robust porters you want to go around the 40+ IBU mark but i have put the hops into Pormash for you with my recomended changes to help ballance the beer.
4 kgPale Malt
.3kg chocolate malt
.4kg munich 1
.2 caramalt
.05 black malt
25gm POR @60min
10gm East kent goldings @60min
10gm east kent goldings @ 15min
Here is what i would do......... not saying you have to but ive made tops porters like this before. Munich is pointless used in very small quantities....... it basicly a base malt and 20% is a good mark i recon.
A ProMash Recipe Report
BJCP Style and Style Guidelines
12-A Porter, Brown Porter
Min OG: 1.040 Max OG: 1.052
Min IBU: 18 Max IBU: 35
Min Clr: 39 Max Clr: 59 Color in EBC
Recipe Specifics
Batch Size (L): 23.00 Wort Size (L): 23.00
Total Grain (kg): 4.70
Anticipated OG: 1.048 Plato: 11.85
Anticipated EBC: 54.5
Anticipated IBU: 27.9
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes
% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
63.8 3.00 kg. Ale Malt Australia 1.038 7
21.3 1.00 kg. Weyermann Munich I Germany 1.038 15
8.5 0.40 kg. TF Crystal UK 1.034 145
5.3 0.25 kg. TF Chocolate Malt UK 1.033 900
1.1 0.05 kg. TF Black Malt UK 1.033 1300
Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.
Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
20.00 g. Pride of Ringwood Pellet 10.20 25.4 60 min.
10.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 4.20 2.6 15 min.
20.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 4.20 0.0 0 min.
what ever you want
mate the old 8,5,1 crystal,choc, black ratio works every time.
as you can see you will end up with a 1.048 beer at about 28 IBU which fits smack bang in with the guidelines for a brown porter.