RecipeDB - Sawhorse / Sahapukki

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Sawhorse / Sahapukki

Lager - Bock
All Grain
- - - - -

Brewer's Notes

All grains come from Viking Malt exept chocolate it came from Munton & Fison PLC.
Vienna, Cara Pale, Munich and Melanoiden + Chocolate.
20 min 50C
60 min 66C
40 min 72C
10 min 76C
26g Perle goes with First Wort Hopping.

That is my experimental how hopping a bit more influence bock profile. Wort was really mellow. Soft and nice.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
6.3 kg Powells Vienna (Powells Malts)
0.5 kg Powells Caramalt (Powells Malt)
0.15 kg Powells Munich (Powels Malts)
0.1 kg Powells Melanoidin (Powells Malts)
0.03 kg TF Chocolate Malt


Time Grams Variety Form AA
30 g Hallertauer Hersbrucker (Pellet, 4.0AA%, 1mins)
26 g Pearle (Pellet, 8.0AA%, 90mins)
18 g Hallertauer Hersbrucker (Pellet, 4.0AA%, 15mins)


3000 ml Wyeast Labs 2206 - Bavarian Lager
25L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.07 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.017 (calc)
  • Bitterness 23.5 IBU
  • Efficiency 80%
  • Alcohol 6.91%
  • Colour 14 EBC


  • Primary 7 days
  • Secondary 21 days
  • Conditioning 5 days
Last time I use bavarian lager yeast from Wyeast. It seems to be a hungry bastard.
First of all. I get avesome 93% effiency and everything goes just right. Starting gravity was 1.072.
With that yeast there are not any harsh tastes or flavours. All is soft and mellow.
Before I start 28 days mature phase, I measure 1.020 SG and Bottling day (major parts in to corny) there was 1.012.
Taste is Soft malty. There are a bit more hoppy flavor than normal bock but I like it.

I must recommend to try that with Wyeast.

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