RecipeDB - Doc's Bavarian Weizen

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Doc's Bavarian Weizen

Ale - Weizen/Weissbier
All Grain
* * * * - 18 Votes

Brewer's Notes

After many many attempts at trying to perfect a weizen, this is the recipe that has done it for me.
Just missed a place in '07 in the Bitter & Twisted comp.
Third in the NSW State Comp '07

A hit at Doctors Orders Brewery :-)

Mash @ 66.5degC

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
5.1 kg Weyermann Pilsner
5.1 kg JWM Wheat Malt


Time Grams Variety Form AA
50 g Hallertauer, New Zealand (Pellet, 8.5AA%, 60mins)


1 g DCL Yeast WB-06 - German Wheat


2 tsp Yeast Nutrient
1 tablet Whirfloc
40L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.054 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.016 (calc)
  • Bitterness 26.4 IBU
  • Efficiency 65%
  • Alcohol 4.93%
  • Colour 8 EBC


  • Primary 9 days
  • Conditioning 1 days
Good Day Doc
I have heard good things about the dried wheat yeast you used. Would you recommend it ahead of liquid wheat yeasts?
I've only used it three times so far.
I find it a very good substitute for WLP300.
I don't think it would quite be up to WLP400 for a wit (but I haven't tried that yet).

I'm more than happy with it.
The latest use is in a Bav hefe-dunkelweizen, and it is very very close to Frankiskaner hefe-dunkel.


I've got a wheat made with WB-06 at the moment that is very citrussy & tart. I reckon this yeast fermented cool would be great in a Wit (even though not strictly to style), as i reckon the clovey character will compliment the spices nicely & therefore planning to use in my next one - what do you reckon?

cheers ross
At what temps do the flavours change? I've heard low temp gives clove and higher temps give banana but what is low and what is high? I'm assuming 16 -18c for low and 22 - 24 for high?
Can anyone clarify this please?


I've been fermenting the WB-06 at 20/21degC and am getting the typical clove/banana phenols you'd get from WLP300 at the same temp.
Would be interesting to stress the yeast a little (pitch less that the 11gm packet) and ferment at say 18degC in a Wit and see what phenols/esters come through.

A couple of weeks ago I made my first Hefe. I just plucked a recipe out of the air. 50% JW wheat, 50% JW Pils. Single infusion mash at 66-67C. Spalt to 14.2 IBU.

Very similar to yours Doc.

I pitched WB-06 at 9C and let it rise and ferment at 18C.

This beer was a hit at a recent IBUs meet and with everyone else that has tried it. Good balance of clove, bubblegum and bananna. Not tart.

It's amazing how simple and good this recipe is - no acid rest, no protein rest, no decoction.

I've just brewed another one, 50% wheat, 47.5% pils and 2.5% vienna. Pitched the same yeast tonight at 11C and I'll ferment at 18C.

If you hadn't posted this recipe Doc I would have.

I thought this thread should mention carbonation. The right amount makes a big difference. It needs to be high. My kegging CO2 low pressure guage reads in litres per minute so I can't calculate exactly how many volumes I carbonate to, but I think 3 to 3.5 volumes is an often recommended amount.

Oh and drink this beer young and quick, when the yeast drops out it just doesn't seem as nice.

Going to try this today however could not get a hold of any Hallertauer. Can anyone provide some ideas for a substitute? I have some EK Goldings, Tettnang (spelling), northern brewer, Cascade and Willamette in my collection...
Going to try this today however could not get a hold of any Hallertauer. Can anyone provide some ideas for a substitute? I have some EK Goldings, Tettnang (spelling), northern brewer, Cascade and Willamette in my collection...

As the hops do not dominate this style you can choose the hop.

Use any German to hop this, the Tetnanger will be a good substitute.
Great beer Doc

I used wb-06 brewed at 20c. The flavour was banana/bubblegum but is fading quick. Its very blond slightly cloudy with a big compact head. Carbed to 2.7 volumes seems right for me. I agree drink it young. Ze germans are coming!

Glad it worked well for you Hanzie.
I brewed it again the other week and got three cubes.
The first I threw some rhubarb at, and the other two will be the stock beer.
Very drinkable in summer :p

Going to brew this on saturday. Just a question what sort of fermentation do you use for your Hefe's 10days 14days ect ect?

I usually let it go 10-14 days.
I just keg it when it gets to terminal gravity.

Good luck with it Rob.

I just kegged this 2 days ago, after 9 days fermenting. Used the craft brewery weizen yeast. I didn't get the SG that I expected, a bit disappointing. However this bier rocks, low SG and all!!! Nice prescription, Doc.... :super:
Looks like a great recipe Doc... think this one will be brewed in the next couple of weeks.