RecipeDB - DJ's IPA

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Ale - India Pale Ale
All Grain
* * * * * 1 Votes

Brewer's Notes

Mash at 65, 90 min boil

the hops in this are extreme at first but after a couple months it mellows (sort of)
and the sweetness starts to show

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
5 kg JWM Traditional Ale Malt
1.85 kg Weyermann Munich I
0.4 kg JWM Crystal 140


Time Grams Variety Form AA
20 g Southern Cross (Pellet, 13.0AA%, 30mins)
20 g Southern Cross (Pellet, 13.0AA%, 25mins)
20 g Southern Cross (Pellet, 13.0AA%, 20mins)
20 g Chinook (Pellet, 13.0AA%, 0mins)
20 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 0mins)
15 g Chinook (Pellet, 13.0AA%, 15mins)
15 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 15mins)
15 g Amarillo (Pellet, 8.9AA%, 5mins)
15 g Chinook (Pellet, 13.0AA%, 5mins)


1000 ml Wyeast Labs 1332 - Northwest Ale


1 tablet Whirfloc
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.075 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.023 (calc)
  • Bitterness 69.4 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 6.76%
  • Colour 25 EBC


  • Primary 7 days
  • Secondary 7 days
  • Conditioning 4 days
Looks like a nice recipe. Is there any reason why yur bittering hops went it at about 30m rather than 60 or 90? Does this change the beer in any other way?
Is there any reason why yur bittering hops went it at about 30m rather than 60 or 90? Does this change the beer in any other way?

I'd say he has done it this way to maintain more flavour from the bittering additions.
I'd say he has done it this way to maintain more flavour from the bittering additions.

Spot on even starting the hops at 30 min still gave me 70 ibu's, would not like to see it at 60 min
Tried this beer at the July Adelaide Mash Brewers case swap and was very impressed indeed. It had a nice bitterness to it, but not over the top, and the flavour was intense, given that it had been in the keg for around 5 months.

If you haven't tried making an IPA, I would happily recommend this recipe!

FG is high.
Using a yeast with 75% attenuation (e.g. Wyeast 1056) will expose more of the bitterness, beware!

FG is high.
Using a yeast with 75% attenuation (e.g. Wyeast 1056) will expose more of the bitterness, beware!


Yep, it's all about the balance. DJ1984 thought that this beer was too bitter and hoppy, but it was a hit at the case swap. I am keen to give it a crack myself soon and leave it bottled for summer.

Its alot of hops too buy for 1 beer, i would be thinking of other hops you have around in your fridge and use the same grain bill,i only made it cause i had these hops that had been sitting around and had too use them.

So it looks like my next IPA will be a English :lol:
tried this one at the case swap...was a stand out beer for me!

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