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Ale - American Amber Ale
All Grain
- - - - -

Brewer's Notes

23L batch size includes losses for kettle. 21L or so into fermenter.
B-Saaz is actually D-Saaz.
0 minute additions were actually dry hopped for 5 days after primary fermentation had largely completed.

Colour was darker than that too.
OG was 1054
FG was 1011

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
3.5 kg Bairds Maris Otter Pale Ale Malt
1.2 kg Weyermann Munich I
0.35 kg Weyermann Carared
0.125 kg TF Amber Malt
0.125 kg Weyermann Caramunich II
0.075 kg TF Pale Chocolate Malt


Time Grams Variety Form AA
15 g Saaz B (NZ) (pellet, 8.0AA%, 20mins)
15 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 20mins)
15 g Saaz B (NZ) (pellet, 8.0AA%, 15mins)
15 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 15mins)
15 g Saaz B (NZ) (pellet, 8.0AA%, 10mins)
15 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 10mins)
15 g Saaz B (NZ) (pellet, 8.0AA%, 0mins)
15 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 0mins)
5 g Nelson Sauvin (Pellet, 12.7AA%, 45mins)


12 g DCL Yeast US-05 - American Ale
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.051 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.013 (calc)
  • Bitterness 39.2 IBU
  • Efficiency 70%
  • Alcohol 4.94%
  • Colour 24 EBC


  • Primary 8 days
  • Conditioning 1 days
no hop additions??????? except up the top it says cascade, d saaz
no hop additions??????? except up the top it says cascade, d saaz
Too quick Katie. All udpated now.

Turns out you can't enter 'dry' for the boil time minutes or the recipedatabase gets upset...
Thanks Ben, looks like I won't have to make a recipe up for my 2nd beer on this double brew day this arvo.

Don't think any will last until BABBs next year but haha.

edit: Mash temp, 65/66?
Thanks Ben, looks like I won't have to make a recipe up for my 2nd beer on this double brew day this arvo.

Don't think any will last until BABBs next year but haha.

edit: Mash temp, 65/66?
66C for this one.
Go on, you can put a bottle aside :)
Yeah i'll save one for you, mine'll be B Saaz but and I don't think I have Carared.

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