RecipeDB - Cherry Beer No.1 ( Light Cherry Flavour )

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Cherry Beer No.1 ( Light Cherry Flavour )

Ale - Belgian Fruit Lambic
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Brewer's Notes

Extract and grains all together in boil. I did 15 min pause at 56°C, 60°C and 64°C, then boiled for about 50 min. Hops addition to taste, I usually go around 10-15g for 10 mins and 10-20g added in the last few minutes of the boil usually Spalt Hallertau and/or Saaz. For cherries I use tinned to avoid the requirement of sterilisation as tinned goods are already sterilised. 4 x 425g for primary fermentation, just dump in fermenter before anything else and mash or break-up if you wish - I do about a minute of mashing with a sterilised potato masher. Strain boil into fermenter and top-up with water to about a litre short of desired level, start yeasts in a 500 - 750 ml jug with warm water and a couple of tsp of sugar or malt extract, cool wort to desired temperature and pitch the yeast mix. Add more water now if required to make 23 litres.

Racked across to secondary fermentation vat with mashed cherries ( 2 Cans Fruit and juice, 6 Cans fruit only ),the DME saved for secondary and isinglass. Ended up with 24 litres in secondary fermenter including cherry mash. SG1=1032, FG1=1006, SG2=1032, FG2=1006 Note alcohol% and SG as altered somewhat by time of year and brand of cherries and/or cherry juice so alcohol and SG is guide only, can end up anywher between 6 and 7.8%. If you want more cherry flavour add more cherries to second fermentation including fresh, sterilised fruit if you wish. Not the cheapest beer on the planet to make.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
0.325 kg JWM Dark Crystal
0.1 kg BB Galaxy Pale Malt
0.075 kg TF Chocolate Malt
1 kg Generic LME - Amber
0.7 kg Generic DME - Amber
0.5 kg Dextrose
0.2 kg Generic DME - Dark
0.2 kg Generic DME - Light
0.1 kg Milk Sugar


Time Grams Variety Form AA
20 g Saaz (Czech) (Pellet, 4.0AA%, 4mins)
15 g Hallertauer (Pellet, 4.8AA%, 15mins)


12 g DCL Yeast T-58 - SafBrew Specialty Ale
12 g DCL Yeast WB-06 - German Wheat


2 tsp Yeast Nutrient
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.046 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.014 (calc)
  • Bitterness 5.6 IBU
  • Efficiency 85%
  • Alcohol 4.15%
  • Colour 34 EBC


  • Primary 6 days
  • Secondary 4 days
  • Conditioning 4 days

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