Brewer's Notes
Lovely copper amber colour, clear as a bell. No haze whatsoever. Soft almost sweet aroma of malt and hops, flowery and citrussy. Initial flavour is of malt sweetness into the mid palate, but then the hop flavour and bitterness kicks in to balance it all, leaving a lingering hop bitterness on the aftertaste. Beautiful beer, one of my best. It's been positively reviewed by 3 other forum members. 30 and 15 gr Cascade and Columbus additions were FWH. 25 gr Columbus was dry hopped. Halcyon malt was floor malted. BeerSmith2 gives the IBU as about 60. OG 1.061 Fg 1.011.
Malt & Fermentables
 | 4 kg | TF Halcyon Pale Ale Malt |
 | 2 kg | JWM Light Munich |
 | 0.1 kg | TF Crystal |
 | 0.1 kg | TF Pale Crystal |
 | 0.05 kg | TF Dark Crystal |
 | 0.05 kg | Weyermann Chocolate Wheat |
 | 30 g | Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 60mins) |
 | 25 g | Columbus (Tomahawk) (Pellet, 14.0AA%, 0mins) |
 | 24 g | Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 15mins) |
 | 20 g | Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 10mins) |
 | 20 g | Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 5mins) |
 | 20 g | Columbus (Tomahawk) (Pellet, 14.0AA%, 0mins) |
 | 15 g | Columbus (Tomahawk) (Pellet, 14.0AA%, 60mins) |
 | 1 g | DCL Yeast US-05 - American Ale |
 | 1 tablet | Whirfloc |
 | 1 tsp | Yeast Nutrient |