Recipe Ideas?

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Hi all,

Im hoping someone can give me a fairly simple recipe idea for my first time dabbling with non-kit yeasts, using hops and steeping grains.

Not having used anything but the basic Kit and BE2 previously, I jumped online and purchased a few bits and pieces...pretty random and hope they can be used together! (probably not all at once)

I have ordered some S04 and US05 yeasts along with some Willamette and EK Goldings hop pellets and Cascade flowers. I will also pick up some cracked crystal malt grains from the LHBS as Im keen to have a go at steeping. They may have other steeping grains there too but Im unsure what can be steeped and what needs mashing (not ready to go there yet!)

wrt Kit, I have access to Coles and Woolies varieties plus LHBS stocks Morgans, EDME?? and Coopers...possibly others but not many.

Im also going to try racking and CCing for the first time as I now have a brewing fridge (ordered the fridgemaster too!)

beers I like are Redback, Kilkenny, Tooheys Pils and James Squires (dont like Little Creatures which always taste too fruity/flowery for me!)

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

Al :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:
Hmmm... has someone been bitten by the bug? :rolleyes:

OK Al it depends on your tastes but you have yourself some tasty Ale yeasts so you need to go down that line. Cascade hops are good mates with your IPA's, APA yada yada. EKG scream an English Bitter. Willies are great in Ales and APA's. So the world is your oyster as far as recipes. Cascades and Morgans are my pick for kits and both have a very good range to select upon. I usually shy away from these kinda threads because the whole subject matter is, well, subjective and your about to be bombarded with suggestions. Essentially in the end it comes down to your tastes and preferences to what you will eventually brew.

As far as steeping grains, carapils are a good start IMO.

Anyway maybe post up some kit varieties you think your interested in and I am sure you will get some better suggestions.
Gday Alby,,

new to this like you first post here .Hi to all

On my 9th brew at the moment after much reading browsing etc.

A simple one i picked up from a coopers ale can thread and have just put down goes well
from all reports

1coopers real ale
1kg llme
250g wildflower honey
15g cascade
15g goldings

us 05 yeast

Boil 5lt water with half llme add goldings @30min cascade@5min
add honey @3min flameout

Cool to around 50 c add rest of llme and coopers can
pitch into fermentor top up to 23lt aerate the s#$tout of it
pitch yeast at 22c seal (i glad wrap for wiew)
into fridge set 18c

Check sg ferment 10 days check again
keg or bot when ready

Hey Alby

Living in Broome, the best beer you will make will be the first one you do in your temperature controlled fridge, regardless of what kit you use.
Hi all,

Im hoping someone can give me a fairly simple recipe idea for my first time dabbling with non-kit yeasts, using hops and steeping grains.

Not having used anything but the basic Kit and BE2 previously, I jumped online and purchased a few bits and pieces...pretty random and hope they can be used together! (probably not all at once)

I have ordered some S04 and US05 yeasts along with some Willamette and EK Goldings hop pellets and Cascade flowers. I will also pick up some cracked crystal malt grains from the LHBS as Im keen to have a go at steeping. They may have other steeping grains there too but Im unsure what can be steeped and what needs mashing (not ready to go there yet!)

wrt Kit, I have access to Coles and Woolies varieties plus LHBS stocks Morgans, EDME?? and Coopers...possibly others but not many.

Im also going to try racking and CCing for the first time as I now have a brewing fridge (ordered the fridgemaster too!)

beers I like are Redback, Kilkenny, Tooheys Pils and James Squires (dont like Little Creatures which always taste too fruity/flowery for me!)

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

Al :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:

A good one to start with would be,

Coopers Real Ale
1kg LDME
100g Mediun Crystal malt (steeped)
25g EKG

Turns out quite tastey IMO.
With regards to what grains need steeping or mashing, any grain that has the word Cara or crystal is one that can be steeped. If you have a look at the Craftbrewer site all the grains there have a description and tells you if they can be steeped or not.
If you don't like beers like LCPA because of the citrus/flowery flavour then you might be best of using that cascade for a bittering hop later down the track.

Cheers, HB79
I have ordered some S04 and US05 yeasts along with some Willamette and EK Goldings hop pellets and Cascade flowers. I will also pick up some cracked crystal malt grains from the LHBS as Im keen to have a go at steeping. They may have other steeping grains there too but Im unsure what can be steeped and what needs mashing (not ready to go there yet!)

wrt Kit, I have access to Coles and Woolies varieties plus LHBS stocks Morgans, EDME?? and Coopers...possibly others but not many.

Hi Al, im drinking a Morgans royal oak amber ale that i made up with some willamette ,250g of carapills grain and a US05 yeast and is a very tasty beer, a mate of mine (another brewer ) came over the other night to have a couple and couldn't get enough of it, you dont have to add the carapills i just added it for head retention.

cheers Benno.
Cheers everyone, thanks for the suggestions..

HB79, is the EKG added dry in primary or when racking? Or was it added for a short boil in the steeping liquor after removing the grains?...sounds nice and easy though!..and probably good advice on the Cascade flowers...I just brought 2*11L jerrys so I will rack 1/2 to both and try dry hopping in one and see if I can tell the difference!

Benno, similar Question, how much/when/how was the willamette added? DO you think I could use crystal malt instead of carapils as LHBS is out of stock!


When I do this recipe I just add the hops to the boil pot when I turn the flame off and stick the pot straight in an ice bath to cool, but I spose you can add them any time after that to get more aroma

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