Re-calibration Of The Taste Buds

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I have just returned home from Parra Stadium watching the mighty Eels murder the Cowboys. OF course the beers are limited and I downed about 1/2 a dozen tooheys from a plastic cup...hey better than nothin'

so I get home and pop the top on a APA that I have been drinking for a week or so. Up until now I was convinced it needed a sh!t load more late hops, and all I could taste was malt....not happy at all...

but then, bang...I take a sip and all I can taste is a mouthfull of beautiful US cascade hops. I can't believe the difference from just yesterday. Amazing the difference after re-calibrating the taste buds on a light megaswill lager
I know how you feel i did the same the other day but it was a drink when i was out for dinner. its crazy how something so good can taste amazing after drinking something else.
I haven't liked JS Golden Ale in recent times, thought it was pretty average. After a couple of 'rona's a JSGA comes alive with a nice malt presence and a good hit of amarillo hops. Then after about 1/2 a bottle I was back to my old opinions.
so true

i was at a wedding a couple of months back and was drinking heineken all day. then at the very last minute i noticed some coopers pale ale in an esky at the back. i grabbed one and it was the best tasting paley i've ever had!


Regrettably it works twice as hard in the opposite direction.

I drank 3 JSAAs on the way to the footy the other day then once I got there I was on Carlton Draught for the rest of the night. Turned what is usually a boring but sessional beer into a ghastly, chemical driven nightmare.
i agree with you bum, if i start on my homebrew and then switch to megaswill i cant stand the taste of it. As a matter of fact, since brewing my own i cant stand megaswill fullstop! of course if theres nothing else available whats a bloke to do.
I haven't liked JS Golden Ale in recent times, thought it was pretty average. After a couple of 'rona's a JSGA comes alive with a nice malt presence and a good hit of amarillo hops. Then after about 1/2 a bottle I was back to my old opinions.

Same here. I ran out of HB last week and have been drinking Oettinger Pils. Its not a bad drop at all @ $30 a case. Come pay day I went to the pub for lunch and had a JS Golden Ale - BAM it was heaven! I immediately thought they must have done something different at the pub i.e. get a fresher keg. I had a good lunch! A few weeks earlier i had some (when I still had some HB) and I thought it was fairly bland. So yeah I know how you are feeling.

A few Melbourne Bitters do it for me. I actually like to sit in the car at the Lookout carpark and enjoy the view over to Moreton Island with a MB tallie after a walk along the beach (late afternoon, I haven't slipped into total derro-dom yet :p ). It tastes like angels dancing on my tongue. Then I get home and crack a New Zealand Blonde with the malt, the maize, the Green Bullet, the Cascade.... :icon_drool2: