Rainwater? Good or bad

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dicko said:
Some said he was an "arsehole"...maybe something to do with the nic handle. :)
Me, I dont get excited by mens bums...
Apparently he did excite many Mods

Maybe he should have showered in rainwater to soften himself up
Ducatiboy stu said:
Apparently he did excite many Mods

Maybe he should have showered in rainwater to soften himself up
My wife has bought some Quilton Toilet Tissue and on the packaging part of the advertising says...

"We Love Your Bum"

Was Quilton ever a member on here?
He may have gone with the big AHB clean up that took place a couple of years ago!!
Ghizo said:
Hi all I have just moved into a new house and while I have town water I also a good sized water tank, is this any good for brewing? Or better to use tap water?
Lets get back to water.

A good rule of thumb is if you are using tank water for extract or KandK then boil it.

If you are using it for all grain or partial mash then get a ph meter and test and adjust mash PH and filter it prior to using it even if you like the taste of it.
Ducatiboy stu said:
RO water is boring? But with it you can create any water profile from around the world. But I suppose that is irrelevant on a homebrew scale as you can make perfectly good beer from plain ol' possum water. Hence why all beer tastes the same.
Ross said:

There's some good advice amongst the chaff here...

Quite simply, tank water needs to be boiled or treated to kill any bacteria present. If you are grain brewing, this happens in the process, but if you're kit brewing, which I assume you are with where this question was posted, you'll need to add this step in. Personally, when i kit brewed, i found it easier to pick up jerry cans of water from friends on mains water, when I wanted to brew.
As MHB pointed out, water quality especially from tanks can be very variable, from a host of different factors, so the only real way to find out, is to brew & taste.

Cheers Ross
Here is, IMO, an accurate, succinct post from Ross that answered the original question and should have ended any more conjecture. Yet thanks to the effects of alcohol and pride the battle rages on.

On that matter, I'm gonna have another CSA with a whiskey chaser and get in on the action.
dicko said:
We have one set of traffic lights in Port Lincoln......since they were installed I have had nothing but trouble making a decent cup of coffee but my brews have improved out of sight.
All us town folk vote for roundabouts....you can get the malted grain home a lot quicker than sitting around at traffic lights and I for one, have never had a bag of grain go out of date while it was on the way to my place.....
A wise man once said.....If you have traffic lights in your village then you dont need rain water tanks or RO filters.
Unfortunaly he was banned from all brewing forums world wide....:)
Port Lincoln and roundabouts,I think we are on a par with Canberra....but it works.
If you happen to go on some of the hydroponic sites you will find a mirror image of this thread, some are happy with tank water others prefer tap water, even the ones growing cannabis will filter water so they can smoke good clean buds!
Batz said:
You were lucky....when I was a kid we were happy for the price of a cup of tea, without milk, or sugar, or tea!!
When we were lads, Mam would send us out with a bucket and a hammer to get water from t'horse trough, hammer were to smash t'ice in t'Winter and to scare off t'horses in t'Summer.
wide eyed and legless said:
Yep I did make cannabis oil last year but it was to powerful, once I had taken it I couldn't get out of the chair.
Need someone for additional QA testing? :ph34r:
wide eyed and legless said:
Yep I did make cannabis oil last year but it was to powerful, once I had taken it I couldn't get out of the chair.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Pity you live so far away sponge my brother has it now but I have the bottle I originally made it in with a fair bit stuck to the side, it only takes a bit as big as a grain of rice (short grain at that)

It felt bad at the time goomboogo, things to do and no will to do them.
wide eyed and legless said:
Yep I did make cannabis oil last year but it was to powerful, once I had taken it I couldn't get out of the chair.

Mmmm...hash oil...worth good money that stuff from what I hear.... B)

....although the police tend to take a very, very dim view off it.....more so than a bag full of weed....
Big difference between hash and cannabis oil, the oil is far more potent imagine extracting the oil from a kilo of bud to make 100 ml of oil it is a concentrate of THC.
wide eyed and legless said:
Big difference between hash and cannabis oil, the oil is far more potent imagine extracting the oil from a kilo of bud to make 100 ml of oil it is a concentrate of THC.
You should have seen what a mate of mine did with 5LB of prime buds...

Hash Oil is known as oil on-the-street

And yes I do know the difference between the 2....

not that I have ever seen or handled pure afghani red stamp..... :ph34r:
Can we please reign the discussion slightly away from illegal happenings and more towards tankwater?

Well it's supposed to piss down here over the next 2 days.( if you can call > 30 mm a lot ,which it is ) and its going to cause my 4 tanks to over flow so I'm going to have lots of free water for brewing.
Gotta be happy.:)

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