Quick Question For All You Brewing Gurus Out There

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I have just put down two versions of Dr Smurtos Golden Ale. But have just been given the call from work that I will be going back to work early. I will be home to finish my fermentation period but will be going about 2 days into the racking cold crashing time. Now my question is how long can I have my beer CC'd. Is it okay to CC for a while? I will be gone 4 weeks would I be better just kegging the beers when they ferment or can I rack, CC and dry hop the beers for four weeks whilst I am away then keg when I get home? Will they still need to be conditioned after I have kegged them as I was looking forward to getting home and getting straight into them????
I have fermented a lager for 3 weeks and CC it for 5 and a half weeks was so clean and crisp bloody best kit beer I have ever tried. I say go for it!!! if you can rack it to another vessel and CC, I cant remember if I racked I dont think I did as only ever racked 1 beer, It was a lager but not sure if it was that one or not.

If you did keg them then leave them to gas (if you have no leaks) you will be doing pretty much the same thing but you will have fully carbonated beer when you get home so if it was me I would prob go more this way if you can keep them cool and gassed for the whole 4 weeks. Prob be your best beers yet as they will condition nicely
I have fermented a lager for 3 weeks and CC it for 5 and a half weeks was so clean and crisp bloody best kit beer I have ever tried. I say go for it!!! if you can rack it to another vessel and CC, I cant remember if I racked I dont think I did as only ever racked 1 beer, It was a lager but not sure if it was that one or not.

If you did keg them then leave them to gas (if you have no leaks) you will be doing pretty much the same thing but you will have fully carbonated beer when you get home so if it was me I would prob go more this way if you can keep them cool and gassed for the whole 4 weeks. Prob be your best beers yet as they will condition nicely

Yep I have two cubes I can put them in so if I leave them in the fridge for the 4 weeks then force carb them when I get back will they be good to go???
yes they will but if you keg them then leave at serving presser in 4 weeks they will be ideal carb and prob have the same effect as cubing them. also prob less risk of infection, But its up to you and what you are able to do. sure ether way they will be fine just a matter of which way to go. In the kegs the yeast will settle and after the first few pours it will be clear, so if you dont move the kegs once you place them in your fridge you will have crystal clear beer. As I say first few may be cloudy as the dip tube will suck a bit of yeast gathered around it but after that it will be clear if not disturbed
I was a bit worried as I am going to dry hop both of them will that screw things up with hop flowers and pellets in the kegs?
Put your hops into a hop sock / piece of old (boiled in water previously) stocking - then hang it in the keg with a piece of fishing line or just toss it in.

I would vote for transferring to the keg and hooking it up to the gas.
well I have dry hopped a keg. I santised some swiss voile (enough to hold the hops x 2 as they swell) and a ziptie and then put hops in the voile ziptie the top and drop into the keg. or if your LHBS sells the tea bag bags then get some of them, my LHBS makes them on site for you as you request so simple drop in. I have had no worries with the voile and ziptie though
Do all of the respondents consider themselves gurus?
no, well what would you do ted? we can only say what we would do. Every one is different so its up to them to choose. until then we will wait for a guy thats been brewing for 100 years
Cheers for the advice guys. Seeing as I have two brews on the ferment I might try a little bit of each. I will dry hop one in keg with a hop sock and charge it whilst i am away. The other I will rack dry hop and CC for the four weeks and condition, once I get home I will force carb it. Now I just have to decide which one to do with each option. One Cascade hops the other B Saaz. No matter what, I am sure I will enjoy both beers. And will be interesting to see how they both turn out. Nothing better than brewing your own beers :D. Stoked to have this avenue to ask people with more experience than me tell me of their own experiences. And Ted trust me anyone that can steer me in the right direction I consider a guru.:D
no, well what would you do ted? we can only say what we would do.

This thread is not for me to say what I would do. The Title asks of "Brewing Gurus", of which I am not one of. As you have dominated the responses, Kelby, I take it you are such a person. I have some seriously perplexing brew questions if you are.
This thread is not for me to say what I would do. The Title asks of "Brewing Gurus", of which I am not one of. As you have dominated the responses, Kelby, I take it you are such a person. I have some seriously perplexing brew questions if you are.
**** off, idiot.
.....oh sorry, wrong thread


Back on topic - Nothing to add, good advice been given already.

cheers Ross

Oh and what are you here to sell now ?

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