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Rugby Union is the Awesome game, League is the game of mercenaries.(sp). And we wouldn't let Russel Crowe own one of our teams :lol:
Union World Cup= 100's of countries trying to qualify for a spot in the final 16.
League World Cup= Players from 3 or 4 countries pretending to be from somewhere else to make up 8 teams to see if Australia or NZ are world champs.

To go further into this... there is "Rugby" and there is "Rugby League" Union refers to the governing body that administrates the game of Rugby within a given territory eg the Australian Rugby Union, The game itself is just Rugby.

Rugby is a derivative of Football (soccer). As legend goes, Rugby originated at the Rugby school located in the town of Rugby in the United Kingdom by a student (William Webb Ellis) when he decided to pick up the ball and run with it. Nice story but probably didn't really happen like that.
American Football is a derivative of Rugby and Football
Rugby League is a derivative of Rugby
Australian rules football has somewhat unknown origins, but was most likely derived from Football (one of the early influences in its development was to keep cricketers fit in the off-season)

edit: timeline is like this

Football - Rugby - American Football - Australian Rules Football - Rugby League
Wow, that blows my mind. I really cant imagine that.
Other than a police officer I reckon i've only ever seen a gun in real life once. That would be a rifle on my uncles cattle property (ranch). I couldn't imagine being able to rock up to K-mart and buy a new glock 9 or whatever. That is weird.
To go further into this... there is "Rugby" and there is "Rugby League" Union refers to the governing body that administrates the game of Rugby within a given territory eg the Australian Rugby Union, The game itself is just Rugby.

Rugby is a derivative of Football (soccer). As legend goes, Rugby originated at the Rugby school located in the town of Rugby in the United Kingdom by a student (William Webb Ellis) when he decided to pick up the ball and run with it. Nice story but probably didn't really happen like that.
American Football is a derivative of Rugby and Football
Rugby League is a derivative of Rugby
Australian rules football has somewhat unknown origins, but was most likely derived from Football (one of the early influences in its development was to keep cricketers fit in the off-season)
Interesting history lesson and that's all well and good but the fact remains that rugby league is awesome and nobody likes rugby union.
I couldn't imagine being able to rock up to K-mart and buy a new glock 9 or whatever. That is weird.

Not quite that simple, handguns require a 7 day (from memory) cool off period now by federal law, so though you might be able to go in and say I'll take that one, they then give you a yellow form you fill in, they call in and tell you to come back in a week.

Longarms are different again, you fill in a form, they call it in, you get the nod, you tootle off with your nice new long arm. Sweet.

For the black powder rifle I bought for muzzle loading season, there was not even a form! $175 and I was off hunting that evening.
Reminds me of the question - What do you call a successful Kiwi (New Zealander)?

Answer - Australian

Unless they prove to be unpopular in which case... they're a Kiwi...


Russel Crowe's Mum lived just up the street from me in Redcliffe Queensland
You generally can't own a gun for safety in your home, you can if you are part of a gun club or work on the land shooting feral animals. Need to have the guns locked up tight and the gun lockers do get inspected by police. A friend of mine has about 30 guns (mostly rifles in his house in the suburbs). My brother in law also has a license but leaves his gun at the shooting club or in the gun shop locker.

Thankfully we don't have a lot of gun crime, just more other weapon crime (knifes, bats).
Didn't have handguns, but when I worked at k-mart as a kid (17) I was selling guns and ammo to people.
Used to go rabbit shooting with granddad every time I visited him.
Used to chuck a 12 gauge and a rifle (usually just a .22) in the car every time we went camping with my mates. Often they didn't come out of the boot, but was nice to have the option of shooting a 'roo / wallaby for some fresh meat if we wanted it.
Dad had a .22 and birdshot in his wardrobe, for shooting rats in our 1st house.
Gun ownership is still possible, but not easy, esp. if you don't live on a property or do competitive shooting.
Fkn Port Arthur. :(
Other than a police officer I reckon i've only ever seen a gun in real life once. That would be a rifle on my uncles cattle property (ranch). I couldn't imagine being able to rock up to K-mart and buy a new glock 9 or whatever. That is weird.

Guns, at least in my area, arent sold at KMart/Walmart or other large stores like that. I'm sure there are some large stores that do sell guns, but I've never seen em.

We have 2 stores in town that sell guns. One is a farm store that has a back counter with some weapons in it and a case full of rifles. The other store is a one man operation and he doesnt have a whole lot, though he can special order. However, he is an ****** so I refuse to walk in the store.

I currently own a 12 guage shotgun that my late father bought me as a youngster and have plans to acquire then customize an AR-15 and a .45 pistol. Great fun!
How many of you have actually seen a Kangaroo in the wild? Is it fairly common or not so much?
Guns, at least in my area, arent sold at KMart/Walmart or other large stores like that. I'm sure there are some large stores that do sell guns, but I've never seen em.

We have 2 stores in town that sell guns. One is a farm store that has a back counter with some weapons in it and a case full of rifles. The other store is a one man operation and he doesnt have a whole lot, though he can special order. However, he is an ****** so I refuse to walk in the store.

I currently own a 12 guage shotgun that my late father bought me as a youngster and have plans to acquire then customize an AR-15 and a .45 pistol. Great fun!

My brother and his family live in Phoenix after moving from Denver a few years ago. Been there a few times. In Denver at least, at Walmart the rifles and shotguns are in the same aisle as the frisbees, fishing rods, golf clubs and other sporting equipment. So surreal. Didn't pay attention in Phoenix, but i'd suggest the guns would be in a similar if not more prominent location.
How many of you have actually seen a Kangaroo in the wild? Is it fairly common or not so much?
they're fkn everywhere here. I used to ride one to school as a lad. I still have it's tail feather somewhere..
Very common.

I live in a well populated area and see them all the time when I am out mountain biking, I am usually in bush but only a few kilometres away from residential housing

Seeing wallabies is even more common

However, it is not common to ride in their pouches down the main street, despite what the Simpson's would tell you
How many of you have actually seen a Kangaroo in the wild? Is it fairly common or not so much?

My sister in-law from the States came and visited us a few years back when we used to live in the hinterland about 10mins from the beach on the Gold Coast. As i was taking her bags out of the car in the middle of the day about a dozen kangaroos passed in front of us on the way into the house. Typically only ever see them a few time a year... timing was brilliant.

At my parent's in laws in Beaudesert about an hour south-west from Brisbane. There's thousands of em. Gotta be careful when driving in the evenings around dusk as they tend to be active and jump across the roads and get hits by cars.
It's not the roo's that are the problem, it's those bloody dropbears
So whats with the whole "Mate" thing? There something to that or what?

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