Since I'm new around here and, of course, American...I thought that I would ask a few questions to become acquainted with your country.
For the record, I'm not really interested in political debate. Discussion is one thing, but this is a brewing forum so I wont get into a left v. right debate with anyone (this typically happens on "American" forums BTW)
I've seen a few comments about your healthcare system. Is everything really free? I could walk into a hospital right now with a gash in my head, get it stapled/stitched and walk out not having to worry about a bill? Does this include dental/vision and everything else?
What is your federal tax rate?
Is Rugby pretty much Austraila's version of baseball or what?
Does anyone else think that Russell Crowe is an ****** also?
Is it awesome having Christmas in summer?
What has happened with the Australian aboriginee (I butchered that spelling I'm sure). Do they live on reservations like many Native American tribes do?
Do you guys watch American movies at the theater? Australian? Both?
What is the general perception of America and Americans in your country? What is YOUR perception?
Hi, nice to see you showing an interest. That busts one of the stereotypes many of us have about Americans.
I'll answer your questions the best I can, from my own perspective.
Health care: Emergency treatment is free, however if you have insurance you may get a few more choices, choice of hospital and surgeon for example. You may also receive "better" parts. For example, the little spiral thingies used in cardiac angioplasty. Medicare pays for the basic model, which works fine, but often doesn't last as long and IIRC has a slightly higher post surgery infection rate than the "deluxe" model that a patient with private insurance may get.
Dental is not free for many Australians, and those that do qualify for free dental may have a long wait to get work done.
A visit to the GP, depending on if their practice "bulk bills" or not might be free, or it could cost you $80+ up front, a fair portion of which you get refunded from the government. Pharmaceuticals are not generally free, but if you qualify you have an upper limit you have to spend on them each year, after which the ones on the PBS will be free. Also people who qualify (pensioners etc) only pay (IIRC) $5.40 per script, regardless of the actual price of the medication. Not all medications are on the PBS list however.
Tax. As stated above, income tax is dependent on how much you earn, but there is another taxation scale above the 45%: If you earn a fuckload you can afford an accountant who will fix things so you pay practically no tax at all!
Rugby is probably more like your gridiron. Cricket (esp: 20-20 matches) would be closer to baseball. Rugby is more popular the further north you go. Down south AFL dominates the codes.
Russel Crowe is a Kiwi, and an arsehole.
Having Christmas at any other time seems like a waste of time off!
We massacred many of our indigenous people and the survivors have had their culture bastardised. British colonialism at it's best... We have forced our culture, values and beliefs on them, then think they are stupid/useless/lazy when they don't tow the line. The Australian aborigines were here for 40k years, and hardly left a mark on the land. If left undisturbed they could probably have continued on indefinately. White man has been here just over 200 years, and has made so much "progress" that in another 200 there may be nothing left to do...
Americans still go to theaters? JK. We watch both on our screens.
As for our "General perceptions of Americans"... I guess there is still some dislike, perhaps jealousy, that I think probably started during WW2, when a common saying (regarding American servicemen) was "Over paid, over sexed, and over here". Most of us have seen lots of American TV. Probably not the best America has to offer, more like the entertainment industries version of "megaswill". It probably contributes to our doubts concerning the intelligence of the average American. Electing Ronald Regan to president and Arnie to governor didn't do the worlds perception of your smarts much good either... Of course, most of us on this forujm has internets, so we have most likley interacted with Americans online, and I think that helps to overcome some generalisations. Yes, there are dumb ones. Yes, there are loud and opinionated ones. Yes, there are nationalistic, warlike, racist ones. But the same goes for pretty much any nationality you want to name. There are some really nice, educated, intelligent ones too. Oh - and contrary to popular opinion, some of them (I'm looking at you Lagunitas, Bison Brewing, Avery Brewing co.) make some truly awesome beers!