Qld Xmas Case Swap 2007

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FF ROTFLMGO Looks like it's your turn in the barrel mate!

Sorry Sean, but **** I find that funny

:lol: It's worth it so see those 'taps'! :lol:

Now if Sqyre's goat has taps...
1st December...
Sqyres's Shed Woodhill Qld.

List Fix up
Should be back on track now..

1. Screwtop - AG: Newcastle Brown Ale
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen
3. Bonj - Swan Export Clone
4. NickB - (KEG)-TBA (probably a beer of some sort )
5. Browndog - (KEG)-TBA
6. Jye - APA
7. BConnery - TBA for sure but I'll start thinking about it now...
8. Frogman - TBA
9. Incider - Early Bird Ale
10.Winkle - (KEG?) - Tooheys Blue clone (or something)
11.Troy - TBA AG ! (it'll prob be dark)
12.Matt O'B - TBA - maybe a double IPA
13.Sqyre - TBA
14.Kiwi_Greg - TBA
16.FNQ Bunyip, MMMMM Duff clone
17.Wrenny - Blonde Ale
18.Tyred - Probably a porter
19.AndrewQld- possibly Australian Ale
20.Paul H
21.BrewWench Porter
22.Mothballs-maybe a Vienna
23.One scooter-AG Pils?
24.WildaYeast - AG Dry Stout, I reckon
25.Zizzle - AG something... whatever my robot makes. ( a mess? )
26.DucatiBoy Stu- Red Ale ( If I am allowed out of the house....... )

Swap Reserves:

1.Ross (KEG)
2.Batz (KEG)
3.Tidalpete (too green sorry)
5. Altstart (KEG)
6.Jimmyjack bringing JS goodies, depending on work etc....

EDIT:I have wacked a (KEG) next to anyone bringing one instead of relisting in attendees..
makes it easier to keep track..
Sqyre.. ;)
Hi everyone - I'm a new member here after meeting Brad_G & Zizzle last weekend. They told me about this forum as I'm pretty keen to learn some more about making beers.

I'm a kit brewer and have been doing it for about 9 months and pretty sheepishly introduced a few of my beers to the "panel" - having met none of the tasters prior to that day.

I'm glad to say that a couple of my beers seemed to get a pretty good wrap (well for a "kit" anyway) - I gather Zizzle likes 'em pretty bitter so perhaps I have to do a fair bit more to get his nod of approval... but even he was pleasantly encouraging.

Anyway Zizzle & Brad_G suggested I should come along to the swap in Dec and I would love to if possible - and as the suggestion has been made again this evening - I thought I would try my hand at posting in this forum and see if I can pop my name in as a reserve. I hope that's OK.

I don't even know if being a reserve means I can come along or not - where I come from it means you can be present but you have to sit on the sidelines and watch all the action. Possibly without getting a chance to get amongst it.

Hope to bag a "cap" and meet some of you guys and step further down the path of brewing.

cheeers, Steelbreese
Hi Andy,

Good to see you made it on. We cap the number of beers in the swap to about 1 batch worth. The list gets filled pretty quickly so those that don't make it on in time put their name on the reserve list. Inevitably people drop out of the swap as it gets closer and the reserves get moved to the swap list. If you're not part of the swap, then it doesn't really matter on the day/night of the swap. We don't drink the swap beers at the swap. Really the swap is just an excuse to get together for the pissup, which is the main event. :D

All you need to do to attend it put your name down so Sqyre can plan for the right numbers & on the night chip in some money for the provided food.
I gather Zizzle likes 'em pretty bitter
I thought he was into gin fizzes and shirley temples to be honest ;) Welcome on board Andy, you will have an absolute ball mate. Does your nick have anything to do with a certain PF song?


I thought he was into gin fizzes and shirley temples to be honest ;) Welcome on board Andy, you will have an absolute ball mate. Does your nick have anything to do with a certain PF song?



No Pink Floyd for you Tony, remember what happened at lastyears swap... :icon_drool2:

Sqyre... :p
Hmmm....well I did want to demonstrate to those Eastern Staters that a case swap can be organized with one introduction post, followed by one post per participant.

But now that "Chiller the chatterbox" has started it, I guess a little chatter would be OK :)

It's time to bring on the Patch! :p

1st December...
Sqyres's Shed Woodhill Qld.

List Fix up
Should be back on track now..

1. Screwtop - AG: Newcastle Brown Ale
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen
3. Bonj - Swan Export Clone
4. NickB - (KEG)-TBA (probably a beer of some sort )
5. Browndog - (KEG)-TBA
6. Jye - APA
7. BConnery - TBA for sure but I'll start thinking about it now...
8. Frogman - TBA
9. Incider - Early Bird Ale
10.Winkle - (KEG?) - Tooheys Blue clone (or something)
11.Troy - TBA AG ! (it'll prob be dark)
12.Matt O'B - TBA - maybe a double IPA
13.Sqyre - TBA
14.Kiwi_Greg - TBA
15.StillScottish - (KEG) - Scottish Strong Ale, along the lines of Old Jock Ale
16.FNQ Bunyip, MMMMM Duff clone
17.Wrenny - Blonde Ale
18.Tyred - Probably a porter
19.AndrewQld- possibly Australian Ale
20.Paul H
21.BrewWench Porter
22.Mothballs-maybe a Vienna
23.One scooter-AG Pils?
24.WildaYeast - AG Dry Stout, I reckon
25.Zizzle - AG something... whatever my robot makes. ( a mess? )
26.DucatiBoy Stu- Red Ale ( If I am allowed out of the house....... )

Swap Reserves:

1.Ross (KEG)
2.Batz (KEG)
3.Tidalpete (too green sorry)
5. Altstart (KEG)
6.Jimmyjack bringing JS goodies, depending on work etc....

EDIT:I have wacked a (KEG) next to anyone bringing one instead of relisting in attendees..
makes it easier to keep track..
Sqyre.. ;)

I thought he was into gin fizzes and shirley temples to be honest ;)

I'm certain I heard him ask for a Flirtini at the July swap, but that could have been StillScottish's rocket fuel talking. :p

Welcome aboard Andy.

How is Brad? Haven't seen him in ages. Tell him to HTFU and come to the swap!
Welcome on board Andy, you will have an absolute ball mate. Does your nick have anything to do with a certain PF song?



Not bad Browndog - are you a crazy diamond?

As for the swap - I'll have to get uip to speed with zizzle or Brad_G to find out exactly what is required/expected of me. Not sure what it means about being able to come even if not part of the swap etc - I guess I'm sounding a lot like a beer virgin.

In any case I'm looking forward to meeting a few people and possibly developing a habit that I intended to not develop.

Hey steelebreese,

If you have a look at the list above, you'll see that there are "attendees". These guys are coming to the swap, but not actually participating in the case swap. The swap list is for those that are bringing a case of their beer to swap with the others in the swap list. Everyone on the swap list goes home with a bottle of each of the other list member's beers. The reserve list is for those that want to be on the swap list, but as the case size has been limited, they have to wait and see (hope) that someone on the list will drop out.

All that means is anyone can come to the event, which is really just a great excuse to get together for a pissup as Zizzle said above. And you don't have to actually swap beers if you don't want to/can't be bothered/are too lazy (TidalPete*). The KEG beside people's names means they're bringing a keg for consumption at the event. It is customary to stay over and leave after a hearty breakfast the next morning (that is burnt by Browndog :p )

*Just kidding, mate... :p
Well the swap contains 2 things:

1.) 26 brewers all bring 26 bottles of a brew they have made and swap it amongst themselves so everyone has one of the others beers....

2.) everyone who is there including the 26 people in the swap talk shit and drink beer... generrally people just bring beer for the communal sharing

You can be in either or both, the list above shows the 26 people who want to "swap" beer and below that reserves who will step up to the plate if one of the 26 drop out and attendees who are here for number 2...

I have only been to 1 swap and i was an attendee and i had a ball... this time im venturing into the swap as well...

this is my thought anyone who sees a glkaring problem with it feel free to correct me.....
1st December...
Sqyres's Shed Woodhill Qld.

List Fix up
Should be back on track now..

1. Screwtop - AG: Newcastle Brown Ale
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen
3. Bonj - Swan Export Clone
4. NickB - (KEG)-TBA (probably a beer of some sort )
5. Browndog - (KEG)-TBA
6. Jye - APA
7. BConnery - TBA for sure but I'll start thinking about it now...
8. Frogman - TBA
9. Incider - Early Bird Ale
10.Winkle - (KEG?) - Tooheys Blue clone (or something)
11.Troy - TBA AG ! (it'll prob be dark)
12.Matt O'B - TBA - maybe a double IPA
13.Sqyre - TBA
14.Kiwi_Greg - TBA
15.StillScottish - (KEG) - Scottish Strong Ale, along the lines of Old Jock Ale
16.FNQ Bunyip, MMMMM Duff clone
17.Wrenny - Blonde Ale
18.Tyred - Probably a porter
19.AndrewQld- possibly Australian Ale
20.Paul H
21.BrewWench Porter
22.Mothballs-maybe a Vienna
23.One scooter-AG Pils?
24.WildaYeast - AG Dry Stout, I reckon
25.Zizzle - AG something... whatever my robot makes. ( a mess? )
26.DucatiBoy Stu- Red Ale ( If I am allowed out of the house....... )

Swap Reserves:

1.Ross (KEG)
2.Batz (KEG)
3.Tidalpete (too green sorry)
5. Altstart (KEG)
6.Jimmyjack bringing JS goodies, depending on work etc....

Campbell, does the Old Jock ale refer to the filtration process? :p
1st December...
Sqyres's Shed Woodhill Qld.

List Fix up
Should be back on track now..

1. Screwtop - AG: Newcastle Brown Ale
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen
3. Bonj - Swan Export Clone
4. NickB - (KEG)-TBA (probably a beer of some sort )
5. Browndog - (KEG)-TBA
6. Jye - APA
7. BConnery - TBA for sure but I'll start thinking about it now...
8. Frogman - TBA
9. Incider - Early Bird Ale
10.Winkle - (KEG?) - Tooheys Blue clone (or something)
11.Troy - TBA AG ! (it'll prob be dark)
12.Matt O'B - TBA - maybe a double IPA
13.Sqyre - TBA
14.Kiwi_Greg - TBA
15.StillScottish - (KEG) - Scottish Strong Ale, along the lines of Old Jock Ale
16.FNQ Bunyip, MMMMM Duff clone
17.Wrenny - Blonde Ale
18.Tyred - Probably a porter
19.AndrewQld- possibly Australian Ale
20.Paul H
21.BrewWench Porter
22.Mothballs-maybe a Vienna
23.One scooter-AG Pils?
24.WildaYeast - AG Dry Stout, I reckon
25.Zizzle - AG something... whatever my robot makes. ( a mess? )
26.DucatiBoy Stu- Red Ale ( If I am allowed out of the house....... )

Swap Reserves:

1.Ross (KEG)
2.Batz (KEG)
3.Tidalpete (too green sorry)
5. Altstart (KEG)
6.Jimmyjack bringing JS goodies, depending on work etc....
7. Steelbreese


OK - seeing as it's my first and at best I could only bring a "mixed" case - some Ok - some crap, I think it best to remove myself from the reserves list (I played the reserve bench too often in my youth and it permanently psychologically affected me anyway) & place myself on the attendees list.

Hey, thanks everybody for all the info - I'm impressed how quick & friendly it seems in here. I'm really looking forward to tasting a few beers and "meeting their makers"

Cheers, Andy
I'm really looking forward to tasting a few beers and "meeting their makers"

Cheers, Andy

You say that now... :lol:
Welcome to the swap Andy.

Sqyre.. ;)

EDIT: Talking about "Meeting the Makers" not the Beers...
No Pink Floyd for you Tony, remember what happened at lastyears swap...


ummmm........ that must have been where the oblivion thing came in :blink:

ummmm........ that must have been where the oblivion thing came in :blink:


One of those PF tracks contains some subliminal programming message for Browndog, when he hears it he goes into a trance and heads for his car to sleep. Really weird :blink:
EDIT: Talking about "Meeting the Makers" not the Beers...

Looking forward to "meeting their makers" rather than "meeting my maker"

But I've just been told I've got 2 weeks to pay my tax bill and we all know that if you don't pay your taxes - chances are that when it comes to the ATO and you owe 'em - it can be tantamount to meeting your maker!!!


Just call them up and offer them a payment plan.... it'll buy you a couple extra weeks.

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