Qabc 2010 - Results

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Hey everyone, congratulations to all the winners, place getters and also to those that just missed out. Thanks to the organisers for putting on such a mammoth task again.

I hear they are making a new episode of "Thats Incredible", starring Ross.
Going home early and sober indeed.
Well done all the place getters and medal winners. Thanks BABBs for organising another well-run comp. Wow - some huge scores in there. Some of my beers didn't get past 5th place when they would have won in previous years. The standards are rising each year for sure.

Tony, congrats on winning the grand Pooh Bah. Great job!

Cheers - Snow.
Congratulations Tony and all that did well in the comp; especially those that made it through to the BoS round - there were some very tasty beers in that line-up :icon_drool2:

And thanks to all the judges and fellow stewards who made for a very enjoyable and smooth running day :beer:

Are all the scoresheets being posted out, or do the BABBs members collect them at the next meeting?
I seem to remember getting them in the post last year, but I'll be at BABBs anyway.
Are all the scoresheets being posted out, or do the BABBs members collect them at the next meeting?


Not sure whether we'll be mailing or scanning/emailing. BABBS committee meeting this Wednesday, where it will be decided.

Cheers Ross
Congratulations Tony, on taking out the competition and therefore receiving the first "Golden Ticket" to the ANHC this year!

We'll be in touch soon with details.


Well done to all the winners.

Jye, would be keen to see your Baltic Porter recipe if available.

I have a Baltic entered in our state comp too.

Here she is. I plan on brewing it again to see if I can get the FG down to about 1.030. 1.040 seems high but it drinks beautifully :icon_cheers:

Imperial Porter
Baltic Porter

Type: All Grain
Date: 17/05/2009
Batch Size: 18.00 L
Brewer: Jye
Boil Size: 25.00 L Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment: SK Brew Hous
Taste Rating(out of 50): 35.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 60.00
Taste Notes: Salt additions calculated on 25L of mash water.


Amount Item Type % or IBU
6.00 kg Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (3.0 SRM) Grain 61.22 %
1.50 kg Munich I, Light (Weyermann) (8.0 SRM) Grain 15.31 %
0.80 kg Brown Malt (Bairds) (75.0 SRM) Grain 8.16 %
0.60 kg Chocolate Malt (Bairds) (600.0 SRM) Grain 6.12 %
0.60 kg Crystal Malt, Dark (Bairds) (120.0 SRM) Grain 6.12 %
0.30 kg Carared (Weyermann) (23.0 SRM) Grain 3.06 %

30.00 gm Magnum [13.10 %] (90 min) Hops 43.9 IBU

5.00 gm 5.2 (Mash 90.0 min) Misc
11.00 gm Calcium Carbonate (Mash 5.0 min) Misc

1 Pkgs Safale American US-56 Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.100 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.102 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.023 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.040 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 10.12 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 8.15 %
Bitterness: 43.9 IBU Calories: 1,036 cal/l
Est Color: 65.0 SRM Color: Color

Mash Profile

Mash Name: SK - Double Infusion, Light Body Total Grain Weight: 9.80 kg
Sparge Water: 10.81 L Grain Temperature: 20.0 C
Sparge Temperature: 100.0 C TunTemperature: 20.0 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE Mash PH: 5.4 PH

SK - Double Infusion, Light Body Step Time Name Description Step Temp
60 min Saccrification Add 25.00 L of water at 77.8 C 67.0 C
Congrats on your results Jye,

I had the pleasure of Judging the Baltic Porter.

It was an absolute cracker... :icon_drool2:

We'd struggled a bit with some avg quality for most of the day.......then got hit with that as the last beer..

What a way to finish...Awesome.

Thanks for posting the recipe Jye.

Mine looking at the grain bill is totally different, I had 55% Munich & 33% Pils as the base, plus other bits and bobs, and it went from 1077 to 1010 with 2278 Czech Pils yeast.

1040 FG is HUGE! Read F(arkin)G huge. ;)
Well Done to all, and especially Browny. Good work old mate.

Thanks to all who helped out on the day and to the Platform Bar for being great hosts.

Congratulations to all place getters and medal winners for the comp, I am absolutely wrapped with taking out BOS and to come second to BrownDog in points for CB is nothing but an honour.

Ipswich Brewers - Best in QLD :party:
So, on the face of it, a couple of my beers qualify for AABC. However, my APA got a 3rd place, but only scored 28.25, which is only 56% of the total available points (50). I seem to remember that the pre-requisite for qualifying was 1st, 2nd or 3rd AND a minimum of 60% of the available points, which would mean I can't enter an APA.

Can anyone cornfirm or deny this is the case?

Also, does anyone know when our entries are due in Melbourne for the comp? I'm assuming a week before judging, but it has been longer in the past. Need to sort out my diary for some comp-specific brewing ;)

Cheers - Snow.
According to their rules, all I can find is:

D1. Qualification. The first three placegetters at State/Territory Championships
automatically qualify for entry to the Australian Amateur Brewing Championship in the same
year (see D8 for resolving tied scores). A maximum of three entries in any category will be
accepted from each State/Territory. Entrants may enter only those categories in which their
placings were achieved. If the original beer is no longer available, entrants may submit a
different beer in the same or a different style in that category. The beer style nominated must
be a designated style for the category, as listed on AABC Entry Form available at Organizers reserve the right to reclassify or disqualify non-conforming
entries. In the event that a qualifying entrant is unable to submit a beer in a particular
category, State/Territory organizers may invite the next highest scoring entrant in that
category to do so, in his/her own name, in order to fill the quota of three entries for AABC.
D2. Entries. No more than two entries are allowed from each entrant in any one Category.
Within this rule, no more than one entry is allowed in any one style. (This rule would
normally be enforced in State/Territory Qualifying Championships.)

The 60% rule has been removed, so you have qualified for the Nationals (may pay to rebrew it though ;) )

Not sure of cut off date, will try & get confirmed for you.


Also note, the 1st 3 place getters have qualified to enter a beer in that catergory, you are not restricted to the sub class you won in. If you feel you have a better entry in a different sub-class under the same catergory, go for it.

cheers Ross

The 60% rule has been removed, so you have qualified for the Nationals (may pay to rebrew it though ;) )

Not sure of cut off date, will try & get confirmed for you.


Also note, the 1st 3 place getters have qualified to enter a beer in that catergory, you are not restricted to the sub class you won in. If you feel you have a better entry in a different sub-class under the same catergory, go for it.

cheers Ross

Thanks Ross. I'll definitely be re-brewing the APA. I actually entered a Stone and Wood clone, but didn't know what category to enter it in. APA seemed the closest fit. I was shocked to see it come third, given the quality of brewers in Queensland who worship the APA style!

Cheers - Snow.