Pushing Wyeast

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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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I before xmas ordered two of the Grumpys fresh worts to try ( then I could get them freight free for over $100 worth of stock )

Well I put them down , they were the IPA , one with the yeast supplied , S-04
this was a really nice brew

The last one I did with a London 1080 wyeast , man ! the differance is unreal , the hop flavours come through so much more , I love liquid yeasts

Great to try to idenical brews with different yeasts

You guys who have not tried liquid yeasts , give them a go

now I have Pilsen , London , Munich , British all in the fridge , more to be smacked still as well

Works out cheap azz , too
Yep agree Batz, liquid yeasts are worth every penny and make a huge difference to the final beer. Also tried a similar brew with S04 and wyeast 1968 the difference was unbelievable. Only have two strains on the go, 1272 american ale 2 (gotten 7 brews from this so far, expect another 3 - 5) and 1968 London ESB (only 2 brews so far but aiming for another 8).

Makes it cheap in the end. I balked at $15 a pack to start with but now I would only use a dried yeast as a backup.

Only thing I have been thinking is that these liquid yeasts may turn ugly if you can't keep you temps under 22deg ish ... but for us southerners it aint that hard to stay that cool :D
I moved onto liquid yeast about 6 months ago and for my money there's no going back.

I started with a Czech Pilsner (2278?) that improved my brews but wasn't something to really write home about - then I discovered temperature control :D

I've also been using the 1056 American Ale for the AG house ale and it's come out so well. Very clean, nice flavour and for whatever reason the malt comes through nicely.

The real proof though was the Weissebier. I've made a few different types over the last couple of years with mixed success but now that I'm using the 3056 Weizen, hell it makes a difference - and that's using all extract not AG. Definately my favourite to date.

I've made up multiple starters and they're all lined up in the brew fridge ready to go. I guess I'm getting 4 or 5 brews per pack which still works out at good value. If I was making a lot more then I think I could stretch out the starters to cover 10 or more brews but right now I'm comfortable with getting say 5 from each pack.

G'day all,
I'm doing my next brew with a liquid yeast. I want to make an American style pale ale. Probably going to do it as a partial as well.
I've heard you all raving about how good they are. Anyway I've got to take the next step and go this way.

G'day all,
Yes I am about to go that way as well.
Tried a 1056 some time ago and the taste was excellent.
I am looking to build up a supply as soon as time permits, and I am interested on how some of you guys build up the starter to double its size for lagers and high SG ales.
I looked on the Grumpy site but it only details a very basic starter.
B B B.
have alook on the country brewer site it had the best info for making liquid yeast starters because that the method i use and works well
Thanks for that Jazman
B B B.
i use the liquid yeasts as per grumpys methods and have had no probs so far.
i intend to try the other way of making up x amount of ready to pitch yeasts one day down the track.
going to rouse up the wyeast 1968 special london esb this lot of days off for my next ag adventure. :rolleyes:

big d
My fridge door
Don't let the yanks see that or they may think you are cooking up some germ warfare gear for Sadam! :eek:

I like those yeast starter bottles...

Any chance you bring down half a dozen for me.
Too easy GMK , fit as many as I can in , more than 1/2 dozen for sure
I did do a post a little while back showing how I do this , I thought it was good.

Anyway if your interested do a search on "starting wyeast"
looks the grouse batz.
reckon that might be the way to go on those non brewing days.
make up heaps of starters.
hey what ya no ive got those same bottles at the place i spend too much time at. ;)

big d

so what yeasts you got on the go batz?
Funny that hey big d ?

And one shot as well
havent found the last one yet?

lots of other goodies though ;)
Pilsner , British , Munich , London

Still to smack Czech Pils,American1056, and Cal. lager 2112

I wish there was someone here to swap yeasts with
Batz and Big D,

Those bottles wouldnt be oil sample bottles would they?
No, they must be cordial bottles from the supermarket!


B B B.
:blink: :blink:
not oil sample bottles bbb.
plain unadulterated hdpe sample bottles for liquids.
last oil sample bottles i saw here were red or black and came from shell oil.and were about 200ml.
these ubeauts range in size @250,500,1000 and 2000ml.

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