Purchasing 50l Braumeister

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A BM is a big investment.

I have been brewing for over 30 years and consider it my hobby, others like photography, golf, bike riding, hunting, fishing, etc. If you get into any interest it will cost you money, I don't see brewing as anything different.

Batz said:
A BM is a big investment.

I have been brewing for over 30 years and consider it my hobby, others like photography, golf, bike riding, hunting, fishing, etc. If you get into any interest it will cost you money, I don't see brewing as anything different.

Have to agree with this ... the father inlaw is into his hunting a cheap rifle can set you back $1000 new, he has more than a few guns, then there's gun safes etc, it's a hobby. While I don't have a BM, if I had the money I'd get one, as with others there's always something happening on brew days with the kids, and the control the BM offers would be right handy. Most systems you can't just walk away from after mash in, or during the boil.
aldee said:
What's the most popular method of cooling when using a 50 lt braumeister?
straight into a cube then chuck it in the pool.
buying a pool could be a significant expense though if you are worried about the cost of the braumeister to begin with.
I was lucky enough to join a club and meet a guy that wanted to go halves in one. We have set up guidelines for use and pricing if either of us ever decide we want out. Also have a sinking fund based on how many brews done so that we have money to buy more bits (better pumps/short malt pipe) If ever we decide we want to.
As soon as I saw one I knew it was the machine for me.
  • Small footprint (I live in an apartment)
  • I don't have to cut/drill/weld anything (skills I do not have)
  • As previously said you don't have to hover over it with a thermometer adjusting temps
  • One vessel means less mess - nil transfer of liquids.
My wife initially was not impressed with the price - but when I explained that I would eventually get one and we can just skip buying all the bits and pieces inbetween 19l BIAB on the stove and 50l Braumeister she agreed it was a good idea.
I have been brewing for less than a year and I expect the braumeister to last the next 20 years at least.
I am on my second Braumeister. I decided to upgrade from my 20L to a 50L. I love it. It is compact, easy to use, time saving, and makes excellent beer. I can can play around with different step mash profile until my hearts content. it is expensive, and if you are short on cash, handy and have plenty of spare time then making your own system may be the way to go. For me however, I will never look back. I take comfort that it will pay for itself in about 1 year (based on not buying slabs of LCPA anymore) and I get the satisfaction out of making great beers. If you have the cash you wont regret it. Get the 50L (preferably with the short mash pipe so you can experiment with small batches) and save the expense of upgrading at a later date.
aldee said:
What's the most popular method of cooling when using a 50 lt braumeister?
I have a 30 plate chiller that I got with my 3v system but I got sick of cleaning it. I could chuck it in the oven for 3 hours on max, flush it out with my hose for an hour (the water pressure at my place is very high) and I could still get black carbon coming out of it. I switched to an immersion chiller and now that I have the BM I just turn the pumps on it chills pretty quickly. The immersion chiller is a lot easier to clean and it doesn't get stuck with trub and hops at the end of a long brew day.
Black and tan have you got a good recipe for a lcpa ish beer that you make in your 50 liter ? I love that beer do much
Matty3450 said:
Picked up a braumeister today exciting times ahead

Welcome, it's an exclusive club but one of which you'll enjoy being a member of. ;)

AHH yes the age old argument is the braumeister really worth rolling that big coin for. Simple answer look no further I will tell you in short , those who have one will swear best money ever spent and will have a list of reasons to justify it . Those that don't own one will argue its the biggest con ever, and your crazy spending that much money to do so little. Ahh human nature its a beautiful thing?


I don't own one, what do you think I am crazy. Imagine spending that much money just to make beer :p
I have a 50L Brau and struggle to get good efficiency. How do you get 80% efficiency? How much water do you mash into and how much grain do you use? How much do you sparge?
Batz said:
it is...so is a braumeister
You still got that bad boy for sale for $800 Batz?
Why do you care about efficiency... you've got enough money to pay for a brau.
Rowy said:
You still got that bad boy for sale for $800 Batz?
that was only between you and me big boy
gilmoreous said:
I have a 50L Brau and struggle to get good efficiency. How do you get 80% efficiency? How much water do you mash into and how much grain do you use? How much do you sparge?
Mate a few things I would look at:

1. Your crush - I find 1mm on my mill is perfect
2. Sparge can add 5-10 points - I sparge with 10L mashout temp water after lifting the pipe

I mash in with about 50-53 litres, including sparge this gets me about 45+ litres of finished beer (2 cubes) if doing a 1050 strength wort. Hit 80% on average brewhouse efficiency, leaving about 2-3 litres trub in the brau.
hmmm i must be doing something wrong. I get 85% mash efficiency, but lose 7-8L in trub which drag down my brewhouse efficiency to low 70s. I use whirlfloc and whirlpool. What gives?
gilmoreous said:
I have a 50L Brau and struggle to get good efficiency. How do you get 80% efficiency? How much water do you mash into and how much grain do you use? How much do you sparge?
Ahh yes how silly of me I forgot one more group, and that's the group that spent all that money and still don't know how to use them!! Silly silly me!

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