Pub With One Beer - On Fox Last Night

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Sorry Ross but Geoff isnt the 'German' brewer...thats Marcus, who, I believe is back there brewing again(dang they plumbed for him instead of me!!, but Sooooo glad I didn't get it; NOW!!)

As for the roof cave in..that was the result of a severe wind storm blowing the chimneys over and the pressed steel ceiling holding it up

And Geoff did nothing to up-keep the place and had a penchant for auctions and buying 2nd hand crap to replace broken equipment..amazing ASIC havent knocked on his door for ripping people off
..amazing ASIC havent knocked on his door for ripping people off
Oh... I could tell you some stories, but I'm afraid that would get me and some good friends in a lot of **** if I did.

But, on a less cryptic note, the first time I drank there it was owned by his father and he made a fan-bloody-tastic bock. The last time I drank there (a few years back, now) his father was long gone and I could tell straight away that he had frigged with the bock recipe - for the worse - and all I could taste in his much touted "7.7" was lactic bacteria :blink: . One thing for certain, he certainly didn't inherit his fathers brewing skill. I never bothered to go back after that.
Has the Scharers Lager improved since those lads took over and sacked Lexi the brewer, re:last nights episode, throwing away 6 batches in 14 months sounds like an awful lot of beer to waste. No wonder she got the boot, she couldn't even picked the beer she brewed from a blind tasting of 3 beers, the other two being LCPA and Coopers Pale, up against a Lager!

I had a carefull viewing of the show this afternoon after reading the comments about the 'beer tasting' session and I think that some of you may be victims of carefull editing to tell the story that they wanted, and not what actually happened.

Lexi picked the beers in the correct order, but the cameras only concentrated on Dave's expression when he declared that he was the only one to get it right. The young fella did very well, but what was Lexi to do - contradict the boss in front of the cameras ?

Scharers has had infection problems from time to time, and this has happened with the brewer before, during and after Lexi's tenure. The only common element is those open fermenters. It is the only brewery that I know that ferments lagers in gear designed for top fermenting (ie Ale) yeast under 'difficult' conditions.

It is more a wonder that any beer turns out sound rather than complain about the occasional off batch due to poor temperature control.


is this the pub that produces the "Burragong Bock" which used to be on tap at the Australian? I had a drink at the pub around 15 years ago after going skydiving and thought the bock (and the other beers they made) were excellent. There's been a few disparaging remarks in this topic. Have they gone downhill heaps over the last 5 years or so or was I dreaming about the good beers?


I'd be quick not to reserve opinion on Picton - Lexi and Marcus are experienced brewers of various heritage who had/has to work with a number of issues that the site presents. Hence what brewing is about, working with what you have not what you can wack on about.

Geoff was simply Geoff, a terrifically eccentric and charming man. Having met the new fella's numerous times they are passionate and realistic. I'd like the googlies to take the risk they have at their age .... irrespective of mentors and backers.

I reckon Picton for a NSW Brewery is all about 'watch this space', such potential and such passion. And on the infection front, it happens to us all no matter greatness, is it better for TV to focus on the negatives or the positives- only Kym Kilby has this pleasure with Saving Babies on Ch9. Only happy endings for Kym! She is also a terrifically lovely person btw...

Lexi picked the beers in the correct order,

Coopers SA, Little Creatures & Scharer's own product... Dare I say it a dog with it's nose welded shut could do the same. :lol:

We should have every right in the world to poke **** and laugh at them and at times it's not hard to. They're the ones who put themselves out there to public voyeurism not us. :beerbang:

Warren -
Talking of "Watch this space", those who were at brewtopia last year might want to watch next week, as Lexi and Dave go to it..... and Lexi in her infamous "Marilyn Monroe" costume, just to try and see if you made the cut...
What a soft lazy prick that young owner David is (after watching last night's episode). All sooky because Lexy the brewer wouldn't treat him like the 'BOSS' he thinks he is.
I'm not sure she is much chop as a brewer (she is only 28?), but that spoilt little private school nancy needs to learn a few life skills. The other young bloke seems much more in touch with reality.
I haven't seen the TV show, but I have seen the set-up down there @ George IV.
I can't stop thinking that $4 million doesn't buy you much these days!
I haven't seen the TV show, but I have seen the set-up down there @ George IV.
I can't stop thinking that $4 million doesn't buy you much these days!

Even worse. They were quoting $5m last night.

Ah, dont forget the 15 pokey licenses Geoff reportedly had stashed away...

..whats with the turned up collar and pearls look on the brewer, I reckon they should sack her just for that, let alone the other crimes against beer. Can you imagine Chuck explaining to Lion Nathan "Oh well I nearly burnt down the MSB and by the way I flooded it as well, but you know every brewer has done it" !
:lol: Hey! You've got to wonder if the whole thing's not staged at times... Let's face it if the whole shebang worked like a well-oiled machine you'd basically have no programme would you? ;)

Warren -
oh yeah the f@#$ups are hilariously painful to watch
Ah, dont forget the 15 pokey licenses Geoff reportedly had stashed away...


From a vague memory machines are bundled together for the sake of licensing and the current value is approx $100k per machine not counting revenue entitlements or the freeze on new pokie numbers. Actual <edit> Machines are about $30k each... but memory is vague.

So there is considerable value in them there licenses... and it is increasing rapidly.

I haven't seen the TV show, but I have seen the set-up down there @ George IV.
I can't stop thinking that $4 million doesn't buy you much these days!

I recall someone asking the question of 'How do you make a small fortune from a micro-brewery??? Start with a large one!!' ;)

one small fortune coming up....the way its going so far

We hope for a 'Happy ending'

Was that the 'Rev' in the kilt at the Int Beer awards night??(in the back ground)
Ah it's all very exciting though isn't it? I know what's coming, so the suspense is at an all time high! Might even see my limping (non wheelchair) form in next week's episode while they're still down at Beertopia......such intrigue. I remember that night clearly - unfortunately. Tensions were running higher than Tim's kilt....
.. anyone know where theres a torrent of this show so I can "preview" it? :)
.. anyone know where theres a torrent of this show so I can "preview" it? :)

might be one on but you need an invite to join, i'll see if i can get you an invite

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