Propagating Hops With Cuttings

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One of my chinooks got hit with the mower. Sadly it was my best plant but i decided to make lemonade and thought i'd give propagation a try.

Feeling lazy i didn't really want to bust out the perlite so i chopped two pieces from the bine and placed them in a glass of water. A week later and both cuttings have calluses on them, which means that they will soon send roots out. 100% strike rate is pretty sweet, but not unreasonable.

So to do it i grabed some 'hard' bits of bine. Then i chopped the piece into bits containing three 'nodes'. A node is where the leaves come out. Then i cut all the leaves off except the two top leaves. The two top leaves were trimmed to 50%. In the below drawing the red lines indicte where i chopped.
View attachment hops.bmp

I reckon you could probably get away with only using two nodes, this means that you'd be able to make more cuttings.

then i simply popped the cuttings into a glass of water and kept them in a spot that does not receive direct sunlight. It needs to be a well lit area, just can't be in full sun. I put mine above the sink.

Change the water every second day. This keeps the water fresh and oxygenated.


Use clean utensils when cutting the bines, you don't want them to get infected.

When you do the bottom cut on the bottom node, make it as close to the node as possible and angled.

When you cut the bottom node, put it in water straight away. If you don't the cutting will suck up air causing an 'airlock', which will stop the cutting sucking up water, causing it to die.

Using rooting hormone and prop sand would give better results, but the water seems to work ok so far.

I will update as my cuttings get older.
Update- Checked my cuttings this morning and one of them has 3 roots on it. One of the roots is 1cm long! Which is alot considering there wasn't any roots last night at 9pm. I'm going to prop as many as these as i can. :)
That will be great if they grow successfully. You can get rooting powder from nurseries as well.
You may just have discovered the hop version of slants :icon_cheers:
That will be great if they grow successfully. You can get rooting powder from nurseries as well.
You may just have discovered the hop version of slants :icon_cheers:

Next project: grafting another member of the Cannabaceae onto your hop vine... ;)
They're graftable apparently, but the resins don't cross over.
Now the other one has roots too, so its def going to work. Using this easy method every homebrewer in australia should have a hops plant growing in their backyard!
Now the other one has roots too, so its def going to work. Using this easy method every homebrewer in australia should have a hops plant growing in their backyard!

Nice work!

I've got some powdered hormone stuff (from Bunnings) so I'll try that method and report back. Sounds like it'll work a treat if they root without it.
Nice work!

I've got some powdered hormone stuff (from Bunnings) so I'll try that method and report back. Sounds like it'll work a treat if they root without it.

A mate of mine in Perth has been using this exact method with great success for a couple of seasons now. He keeps them humid while the roots are developing (like normal cuttings) under some glad wrap.
Cheers, John.
Mine have roots about 3cm long now, will be putting them in the greenhouse tmo. Very happy this worked.
<immature mode ON>

Rooting powder!! hahaha.

U can also get rooting powder from the chemist....comes in a blue pill (so I am told)....viagra?

Here baby...let me sprinkle my rooting powder on you....

<immature mode OFF>no...<immature mode ON>...<immature mode OFF>....<immature mode ON>

You can get rooting powder from nurseries as well.
post a pic ekul.... post, great idea, thanks for sharing...


Mine have roots about 3cm long now, will be putting them in the greenhouse tmo. Very happy this worked.
Can you do this at the end of the season while you have about a million lengths of hop bine that you're going to chuck out anyway?

And if so I guess you'd have to grow them over the winter some how ready for the next season?
Mark bastard -If you interrupted the night cycle i'm sure you could. I have a friend doing a masters in this (not hops, but something similar) atm and the light required to break the night cycle is very small and doesn't have to be on for very long. A fluoro would be perfect.

The reason you want to interrupt the night cycle is so that the plant reverts from flowering (and dying) mode to vegetative growth mode. If its winter and you try to make cuttings the hop will probably put all its energy into making flowers, rather than sending out roots. The hop decides if its winter or not by measuring the length of uniterrupted darkness it gets. If the darkness is interrupted for 5mins in the night the hop will think its summer and start veg growth.

I'm not sure how old the cutting would have to be to have a rhizome, but i will know soon enough.

Rendo- my camera is broken but if i remember i'll grab amates and post a pic. Doesn't really look like anything, just a piece of vine with some roots at the bottom. :)
my tip cutting add a rizome about the size of a golf ball after one growing session
Hi Guys,

This is what I did last year.
I took a spare bine and bent it over so it grew through the top of a pot and out the other side. Where the bine passed over the center of the pot I scraped some of the shaft and applied the rooting hormone and covered in potting mix. I had three pots hanging off one bine .I did this early in the season which allowed the bine to continue to grow. Each time the bine grew so there was room for another pot ,same thing.

I found that this year these plants have kicked on better than the cuttings that I had been making for some years earlier.

Just the way I have been doing it.

i have had good results with taking cuttings using this (under the heading propergating rhizomes by cuttings) method that i posted in the hop article.

the best rooting hormone to use is the gel stuff i have tried the powder and hasnt worked very well.

i take the cuttings about the end of october and after the growing season i get a root ball that looks like this.


thought i would add my 2C

cheers Matho
Ekul so what your saying about the light is if you leave them under a flro at night thay would grow at the end of grow session
Is this still the best practice for propagating hops using cuttings? Are there any improvements on the process or other suggestions based on experience?
