Pride Of Ringwood Rhymezone

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I know someone who had a Cascade hop rhizome mailed from the US in the post and it arrived no problems.

From my quick reading they have different rules for stuff that comes from america.

Best bet is to email (if you can) them so that you have a hard copy of their reply.
Act dumb. How can you stop a mate sending you something from another country as a guesture?

If you didn't know it was coming all they can do it take it away ^_^ :eek: (ie conficate it before it gets to you).

Now, if you had a box full of plants from Australia you might be in for a bit more trouble.

PS: I killed all my hop plants so can send any.

From the quick skim i read i think that if ONLY the rhizome is sent (ie, clean of dirt and debri) AND is clearly labelled then you should be sweet. However don't take my word for it. read the articles that i posted, and then do some more research.

I'd give them a call and ask them personally. And hey, if they say yes, Aaron (Spartan 117) may still have some he could send ya (see
I know someone who had a Cascade hop rhizome mailed from the US in the post and it arrived no problems.
I was reading somewhere that one of the advantages that Australian hop growers have is that many/most of the hop-plant diseases that infect plants overseas are not present here. So if one did have hop rhizomes mailed directly not only do you risk the wrath of AQIS but also introducing something nasty that could have a large impact on hop growing in this country. Given that you can obtain most American hops locally and legally, I'd suggest that it's not worth the risk.
Wow! I can't believe this has sparked up such a conversation!

I'm surprised that they enter you people in a data base whenever you send something over seas. We have a similar form, but they don't ask for ID. I've mailed beer before, marked the label as "home made soda" and put a fake return name and address. Signed the fake name and put it in the mail. Made it there everytime.

Now if in July or August someone wants to send me a rhizome I'd be happy to pay, seeing as how it doesn't look to be illegal afterall. I love Cooper's Sparkling Ale and wish I could make that beer at home, but the hops just aren't available!
Here's is some more great feedback from the mailing list

According to this web page, humulus lupulus is not on the list of things that need a permit to import from the US.

There must be US suppliers who can send you a rhizome, this place is sold out for 2011, but you could plan for next year.

Are you a member of Barleyment? They have done rhizome exchanges in the past, you might find someone there who will send you a cutting.
Thank you everyone for all the help.

Someone has PM'd me and offered to send me a Rhizome in exchange for a nice long neck local craft brew.

I couldn't be happier with that offer and applaud you Aussies for your generosity. I don't care what those KiWi's say about you. You're all right by me. lol
Got a PM from Beer Baron that my rhizome made it to Canada safe and sound.

Some local brews are in the mail for my trouble.
Got a PM from Beer Baron that my rhizome made it to Canada safe and sound.

Some local brews are in the mail for my trouble.

Just thought I'd bump this old thread now a year later. I did recieve a Rhizome from Josh last year. It did come up, but didn't grow all that well last year. I suspect it had something to do with our reverse seasons. I figure that the plant needed to hibranate, and didn't get that chance because it went from your growing season, to in the ground for my growing season.

This year, the plant has taken a long frozen canadian slumber and its back! Growing nice and thick and strong. I've already dug up a cutting and planted it in my new backyard at my new house to grow there this year. I'd be happy to share some canadian POR flowers with someone that can send me a Nelson Sauvin Rhizome!

Thanks again to Josh and all you happy Australians for your hospitality!

CHEERS from Canada!
I'd be happy to share some canadian POR flowers with someone that can send me a Nelson Sauvin Rhizome!

Slow down cowboy, you got lucky but you are asking too much now.

The only place in Australia that we are allowed to recive whole hop cones/flowers from is Australia or New Zealand.

Nelson Sauvin is gentetically protected. As a variety it is owned by Plant and Food Research New Zealand with exclusive agreements to commercial gowers. What you are asking is the equivalent of trying to source an Amarillo rhizome.
Slow down cowboy, you got lucky but you are asking too much now.

The only place in Australia that we are allowed to recive whole hop cones/flowers from is Australia or New Zealand.

Nelson Sauvin is gentetically protected. As a variety it is owned by Plant and Food Research New Zealand with exclusive agreements to commercial gowers. What you are asking is the equivalent of trying to source an Amarillo rhizome.

Darn! Well that sucks. I really want one! Oh well. Maybe someday one will "fall off truck".
Just thought I'd bump this old thread now a year later. I did recieve a Rhizome from Josh last year. It did come up, but didn't grow all that well last year. I suspect it had something to do with our reverse seasons. I figure that the plant needed to hibranate, and didn't get that chance because it went from your growing season, to in the ground for my growing season.

This year, the plant has taken a long frozen canadian slumber and its back! Growing nice and thick and strong. I've already dug up a cutting and planted it in my new backyard at my new house to grow there this year. I'd be happy to share some canadian POR flowers with someone that can send me a Nelson Sauvin Rhizome!

Thanks again to Josh and all you happy Australians for your hospitality!

CHEERS from Canada!

i actually cant believe that you bumped this a year later to let us know what happened i was thinking about this the other night wondering how it was growing seems like its doing well

p.s hang around here some more keep us updated on what you are brewing....

cheers: HBK
i actually cant believe that you bumped this a year later to let us know what happened i was thinking about this the other night wondering how it was growing seems like its doing well

p.s hang around here some more keep us updated on what you are brewing....

cheers: HBK

Sure. Maybe I'll post some pics of the plant.
To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure the plant would grow because when I opened the package it was sealed in plastic shopping bags with paper towel. The trip here took almost 3 weeks, and the rhizome had a strong odor of mold due to the damp and sealed in conditions. I had to take the plant out of the bag and throw the bag outside due to the smell.
But josh sent me one hell of a rhizome. It was glossy huge. Probably 8 inches long, but very thick with tons of roots attached. Not just one little stick. So it was so big that at least part of it was still viable.
I'll be brewing a coopers pale clone with its flowers this year.

If you want to check me out on YouTube it's you can see y hop garden vids from last year, and I'll be posting new ones this year very soon.
Hey, good to see they survived and grew a fair bit in their first season.

Yeah I wasn't really sure about the packaging. Didn't want them to dry out cos I knew it would take a while, and they weren't gonna be in any soil for that time.

Hopefully after a full winter they come up with lots of cones this year.

Can't wait to see the yield and the Coopers Pale Ale you brew.
Hey guys!

You can see in this video the POR plant that Josh sent me. I'm cloning it. I've already sent a cutting to another brewer. We are going to get his variety growing all over Canada! haha
You can see in this video the POR plant that Josh sent me. I'm cloning it. I've already sent a cutting to another brewer. We are going to get his variety growing all over Canada! haha
Cool, might have to try your beer-bottle-method, since my attempt at growing small cuttings in soil didn't work so well.
Make sure you post an update if/when you get them all to root and grow. :)
Cool, might have to try your beer-bottle-method, since my attempt at growing small cuttings in soil didn't work so well.
Make sure you post an update if/when you get them all to root and grow. :)

I just stick a handfull of cuttings (maybe 20 or more) into one drinking glass and sit it on the window sill for a bit of sun. Once they are rooted, then plant them out in pots or their final location. I planted to pots to let them get bigger and replanted them later. I have had much better results this way than putting cuttings straight into dirt. On another occassion I put a series of little cuts into the bottom part of the cutting (this seems to stimulate more roots to grow from the cuts) and seem to be of the opinion that dipping the cut end into some hormone rooting powder makes them get their jiggy on too. I haven't done it on a large scale, I mainly did it for shits and giggles. I ended up with that many viable rhizomes out of pots that I binned everything that I did not plant out. I thought that the larger woody sections would be best but I seem to have had better success from the tips or thinner sections nearby.

A la window sill:

Here is an example picture of what I got out of the pots:

Beer_Baron: from what I have seen myself and from what I have seen others do, the size of the plant seems proportional to the size of the pot. I am not sure if you have the base cut out of your pots/bins? If you cut the base out or plant directly into the ground, I am confident your plants will grow even larger.
Great info there.

Well I'm already this far in, so I'll stick to what I'm doing and will let you know.

I'm not really worried about cuttings doing better or worse by transplanting a few times. I'm a lazy guy. I'm going for from the bottle to the ground and crossing my fingers. I figure that at least a couple out of the 20 cuttings should do ok.

As long as they take root I'll be happy as I just want them to return next year. Just want them to start a new root system so that next year I can go look at the hops. haha.

I'll keep you updated.