Pride Of Ringwood Rhymezone

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Hello there,

I'm new the forum. I'm wondering if any Aussie home brewers grow their own Pride of Ringwood hops. And if so, does anyone have a rhymezone for sale?

By the way. I'm all the way up in Canada! Your POR hops are very very hard to find up here, and noone sells the Rhymezone. I'd love to grow my own.

I'll pay!!
I dont think you would get it throw coustomes
Have a look in this thread, as you will see plenty of us grow it, and plenty of people also sell/give away, usually in separate threads. But as Spoonta said, not sure if you can get them to Canada, maybe do some research on that.
Hello there,

I'm new the forum. I'm wondering if any Aussie home brewers grow their own Pride of Ringwood hops. And if so, does anyone have a rhymezone for sale?

By the way. I'm all the way up in Canada! Your POR hops are very very hard to find up here, and noone sells the Rhymezone. I'd love to grow my own.

I'll pay!!

Hello Beer Baron,
Rhizomes won't be available in Australia until after July as they are still in harvest season here at the moment.
Yes plenty of folks here grow Pride of Ringwood which we usually shorten to calling POR.

I think I know a chap who sells good quality rhizomes but I am not sure about Quarantine restrictions into Canada, have you looked into it?
We can not bring plant material like that into Australia but I do not know about your rules in Canada. We can't even send hop rhizomes from our east coast to our west coast (the state of Western Australia) because of internal Quarantine. I am not sure about sending out of australia and how one would go about it, but there is a member on this forum who works for Australian Quarantine and I could give you his username so you can send him a private message to ask about stuff from our end.

I'll leave it at the Quarantine question for now, can you import rhizomes into Canada?
Thanks for the replies everyone.

You guys are right about the customs. I was just hoping that maybe we could give it a shot. Put my name on it, put a fake name on the return address and push it through the mail. It would probably get here just fine.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

You guys are right about the customs. I was just hoping that maybe we could give it a shot. Put my name on it, put a fake name on the return address and push it through the mail. It would probably get here just fine.

Yes unfortunate isn't it. If your Quarantine service is like ours (in Australia our Quarantine service is different to our Customs service), you could potentially get in a bit of trouble and potentially face penalties/fines. All our mail is screened, I am sure yours would be too.
I wonder if I could just get some POR seeds in the mail and grow it myself. hmmmmm
I posted this query on a US list I'm a member of; no luck so far but they did say

80% German Tettnanger
20% Northern Brewer

will give you something close, maybe growing these for fresh hops could get you through if you cannot get POR.

I wonder if I could just get some POR seeds in the mail and grow it myself. hmmmmm
Hops are propagated via rhizomes, cuttings and other asexual methods, so that (as much as condition and climate allows) they are the same as their mother plant, they're not grown from seed due to the fact that the seeds are a genetic mix of both plants parent plants. Even if you could get some seeds it would not be a 'POR' plant that you grew from them, rather some hybrid which may or may not be the same or similar to the parents.
Just to dive in while we're getting all hip-hop on the bio-logical groove train - what do you do with potted rhymezones in the winter? Just leave them in the pot? Or dig them up, ain't no thing, it's in the game, you feel me?, and put them in hip-zip-zip lock bags?
Ok i went to canandian quarrantine site (i'm always interested to see what restrictions other countries have) and typed in humulus. 4 results came back.

This one ( has the item listed as a crop that contains Light Brown apple moth and any material entering has to have a permit attached unless it is

Section 1.4
Processed fruit and vegetables*
Dried plant material
Dormant deciduous plants without leaves
Below ground parts of plants (e.g. roots, tubers, corms)

I checked the other result

In appendix 1 it says it is excempted. Excempted from what i don't know.

From the quick skim i read i think that if ONLY the rhizome is sent (ie, clean of dirt and debri) AND is clearly labelled then you should be sweet. However don't take my word for it. read the articles that i posted, and then do some more research.

Good luck mate
There you go.

According to Ekul if his info is correct, you could wrap a rhymezone :p up in moistened papertowel, ziplock bag it and send it up north. Just make sure it is free of soil to clear Canadian Customs.

Don't have any of this rhymer myself though - sorry.

Purchasing Australian Rhizomes season is July-August so you're coming up to prime time when people will dig theirs up and split & swap them.
Some folks won't part with them this early as we're still taking flowers off the vine. For example in victoria - the state where I live, Red Hill craft brewery have hopyards filled with hop flowers right now, so you're not quite on rhizome season.

Sources of them are, Hopco Tasmania ([email protected] - Sandy normally offers up to 8 varieties including POR), Brewerschoice in Victoria's Yarra Valley can offer up to 3 different types including POR, but you'd need to ask Colin via his website here BrewersChoice. Australian Based Homebrewing Clubs are also another source.

Sawdust, and old sock, some rat poison and a dried dog poop is a perfect substitute for PoR.
Sawdust, and old sock, some rat poison and a dried dog poop is a perfect substitute for PoR.

I think what he is trying to say is that the various qualities and characteristics of PoR are a subject of debate within Australia with some people claiming that it is a very understated and maligned hop whilst others folks see very little merit in it's characteritics and are hard pressed to find positives about it. It is possibly a love it or hate it variety.
Agreed you love it or hate it. In Australia sadly we have a cultural cringe against this hop. And yankee hops are flavour of the month when we're not getting high on Kiwi hops. Some yummy fruity ones there like Nelson Sauvin and Moteuka.

I love POR myself. Use a little and it goes a long way. It's got all that high AA% goodness.

Drink a Coopers Pale and you can taste how good it can be because they hop the crap out of that beer with it. Hard to tell as the coopers yeast is so big in flavour itself, but they go together nicely. The banana and the bitter. Yum.

Drink it in a VB and you can taste how bad it can be. But in that case the POR is differently produced. The lovely people at Fosters use Isohop/Pride of Ringwood Cordial from what I hear. Whether this changes it in a big way has been a source of long debate, but it certainly takes up less space in their warehouse. They also use a lager yeast at warm temp for added 'bottom of mouse cage' flavour. Rumours are the yeast is pretty much the same as the Carlsberg strain.

As ekul has pointed out it might be possible but you should research it some more. Look into it further if you really are keen, don't give up yet.

The way I see it is that you may have all the nasties that we have and thus it may not be a problem for you to import stuff. In Australia we are free of many nasties that other countries have and we like to keep it that way.

Even in Australia it is possible in some circustances to bring in Quarantine prohibited material under an import permit under certain conditions but from what I can see it takes a long time and can be quite costly.

I should add that when we send a parcel from Australia to an international destination we have to sign a customs declaration (not Quarantine) stating what is in the package etc and sign the declaration. In most cases you have to provide your drivers licence to the postal service who enter your details into a database associated with a bar code that goes with the declaration on the package. Full traceability... so no a false sender address on the back would not work.
Just don't trust information from a website, telephone them, email them, and get written confirmation of exactly what you will be doing and exactly what you need to do to be allowed to import them, be open and honest and most likely they'll assist you if they can.
You'll be dealing with government bureaucracy but it's their job so they'll try to help if they can.
Wouldn't be surprised if PoR grown in Canadia was quite delicious.

I was joking before - it's a great earthy, bittering hop - just don't use it late in the boil. There are so many better hops for that.

Someone here once described it as the smell of an old hardwood wardrobe in an old house that hasn't been opened in 20 years. That's bang on IMO. Woody, musty, earthy and slightly funky.

The fecker who bred it was going for AA%. Those who use it for anything but making isohop cause him to giggle from his cubical in Hell.