We all know that beer and chips go well together, but in England you can get chips that contain beer added during the process.
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I remember being able to get Marmite Chips in NZ for a while when I was young. Would love to try the Beer Cheddar chips. Anyone had them ? Kook ?
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I remember being able to get Marmite Chips in NZ for a while when I was young. Would love to try the Beer Cheddar chips. Anyone had them ? Kook ?
Kettle Chips launches mature cheddar with Adnams Broadside flavour
Beer and crisps are a match made in heaven, but Kettle Foods is treading bold new ground with its new beer flavoured crisp.
Kettle Chips mature cheddar with Adnams Broadside flavour combines two pub staples the Southwold brewer's beer with a strong ploughman's cheese.
Kettle Foods marketing director Peter Wilson said: "To our knowledge, this is the UK's first ever real beer-flavoured chip. As such, it will appeal to all lovers of good English ale.
"We couldn't use just any old beer; we had to use the award-winning Broadside from our friendly neighbours at Adnams in Southwold - just a short trip from Kettle's home in Norwich."