Possibly The Last Keg Sale We Have!

  • Thread starter mchitiea
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I think that's the first time I've read anyone acknowledging that it can be a bugger to search the forum for the answer to a sometimes simple question.
usually it's the slightly snobby "do a search on... " (you stupid newbie).
I am getting into kegging myself now, and have checked out the link too. Very helpful, thanks.
This is not an easy answer as everyone ends up with a slightly different keg system and how they use it. You may run a carbonator cap system, or a soda stream dispenser.

No matter what you buy, one day you will say, I wish I had bought an extra xyz.

For starters, I would reccomend you buy four kegs, four poppet valves, four sets of gaskets and a set of the barbed gas and beer disconnects.

If you can afford a few extras buy another two or four sets of gaskets, four more poppet valves and two sets of beer/gas (barbed) disconnects.

When you get the kegs, install complete new gasket sets in each keg, soak the old ones in cleaner and keep the old ones as spares. It is very difficult to remove the lemonaid aroma from the old rubber components.
pint of lager said:
For starters, I would reccomend you buy four kegs, four poppet valves, four sets of gaskets and a set of the barbed gas and beer disconnects.

Can I be an azzhole and suggest that it would be eight poppets? :p

Come on Dave! Surely my 7 x 19L and 2 x 9L are enough. No way would I EVER need more than that :huh: ;)

Its a bit like my first x86 computer... 386SX15. Came with a whopping, unfillable 89Mb hard drive! How could you ever need such storage???

Within weeks I was loading supastacker.........

BLOODY HELL! here i am getting keg system for chrissie with 2 kegs and some of you fellas are saying more is good! ohhh s@#t :p there goes the brew budget up the creek for 6 months plus. just when i was looking forwards to getting in touch with GMK (dropping you all in it,but hey,tis the season for sharing <_< ) go get em GMK :blink:
So whats the best way to clean the outside of the kegs so they sparkle
wet and dry paper works well but be prepared for a reasonable amount of work.how shiny is shiny. ;)

big d
Ok, so SWMBO has approved the purchase of 4 of these kegs. Now I must ask for the collected wisdom of you experienced types - I have a few questions:

1. what else should I get while I'm at it?
2. Should I get gasket sets ($US2)? poppets($US2.5)? quick disconnects ($US8/pair)? MFL Swivel nuts ($US1.5)? or just get them here?
3. What are poppets/disconnects/MFL swivel nuts anyway? (I'll look these up but I thought I ask anyway)

Thanks for your help.

Kegging here I come!

Yeah, get all that stuff from them while you are at it...can't get them that cheap in Australia :)


*EDIT* - Ooops, I missed that you mentioned poppets. Buy your poppets from Andale in Brisbane (not Sydney)...they are even cheaper :D
Have a read through all the pages in this topic, this was covered last week.
pint of lager said:
Have a read through all the pages in this topic, this was covered last week.

Thanks for pointing that out - I totally missed that page of the thread....

Just realised I've missed out on the sale. :(
They are now $14 each with a discount to $13 each if you order 4 or more Link.

NRB said:
It's still cheap though Doc.

Yeah I know.
It just seems easier for me to justify a nice round figure like $10 to myself when trying to determine that I really need more kegs :p

$10 would be cheap. Are you Scottish by any chance?
The other Darren