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It's a bullying tactic for sure. They know that the clubs will get barristers to defeat the **** discrimination they are passing off as laws, but it will take time and money.

I have no problem with govt targeting criminals, but have no time for people being targeted for what colour shirt they wear or who their friends are.

Targeting people because they are criminals = fine.

Targeting people because they are bikies (one perecent or not) = not the kind of world i want to live in.
The British dogs had laws against association back in imperial ruled India. One of them even took it on himself to shoot down a thousand or so gathered in a park for a political protest, battle formation firing squad massacre. Oh, this mentality. Teach the uninitiated such disdain for human rights is just normal, one day, inshallah some delusional bastard will do the rest.
Does the government realise that the "Bikies" they are targeting are actually very intelligent and extremely sassy when it comes to the law. If you have a look at which ones get arrested and jailed its not the top level, its allways mostly the henchmen. The guys at the top are one step ahead. And not to mention that they can afford good ( if not the best ) legal advice. The gov know they cant make a law to affect an individual ckubs. So they have to make the laws broad which then affects far more groups than just the bikies.

In the days of old the police would let them fight it out amongst themselves, as long as no civilians got hurt. This is basically political.

"We will stop the bikies..."

" We will stop the boats..."

They know they cant
Our idiot ex premier in S.A. tried similar association laws.

It got squashed in the high court.

How does one stand associating with criminal organisations like the Catholic Church?
Can just imagine police storming a cathederal during mass and the cardinal getting cuffed cause he is the chapter leader....
Here's the legislation. Have a read through, it's not very long. There's a lot of vague language , check out the definition of an association. https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/bills/54pdf/2013/viclawassdisb13.pdf
Certainly looks like it could apply to a lot of churches.

Bet there's a stack of people that have been to more than 1 meeting too.
From my reading you need to have committed one of the declared offences AND be a member of an association. Most of the declared offences are pretty serious.

However there's a couple in there that are a little ambiguous and that definition of association is super vague. Hopefullythe legislation is thrown out for the laughably ill conceived rubbish it is. Pandering to people's fear makes it easier toreduce civil liberties.
It will be defeated in the high court, but that will take ages and cost us a lot (the gov will drag it out). In the mean time, that legislation is law.
As i said, you are a memebr if you go to more than 1 meeting, you get an extra ten years if you are an office holder and there's quite a few offences that would pertain in that list :ph34r:

Affray, pretty easy to cop that one.
Affray and wounding were two that caught my eye. Plus the serious offences should already be dealt with seriously whether or not you are an akela or secretary of a brewclub.
So Rudd resigned from parliament today. Looks like Bill Glasson will be a shoe in to fill his seat.
Poor Kevin I am sure he will not be short of dollar or two on his pension and millionaire wife. The electricity bill will only be a minor inconvenience.
Stuff the Indonesians just stop the overseas aid to them and use the navy to blow the so called refugee boats out of the water that will stop them pronto. Tony giving Sri Lanka patrol boats has got to be a joke the tax payer has had enough.
Vertical single middle digit to the Indos.

They're the nation which killed 5 of our journos back in the 1970s.
They fought us about East Timor.
They killed I don't know how many in the Bali bombings.
They continue to sponsor illegal invaders' boats by sending them towards our shores, without giving a stuff about human rights.
They invaded West Papua and continue to commit crimes against humanity in that region.
They treat us like dirty poor cousins in an attempt to big note themselves locally. Is there an Indo election looming?
They gleefully accept our $$$$ in "foreign aid", which no doubt mostly disappears in their corrupt officials' pockets.
They "spy" on us, just as much, if not more, than they allege we spy on them.

No doubt I'm now on an A..S..I..O.. watch list, but I don't care. The truth will out!