As most of it has been said, I'll keep the reasoning short.
Built a huge (18M) IC in an attempt to improve efficiency. Not happy with the time it took so bought a 30 plate PC. Still using it and prefer it, does that tell you something?
Prep: Flush the PC with hot caustic or PBW solution then water to rinse.
Use: Recirc wort via the PC for the last 15 min of the boil to sanitise, after flame out, recirc via the PC to whirlpool in the kettle (wort return at the bottom of the kettle angled for whirlpool) at full bore, dropping wort temp in the kettle. Then throttle back wort flow to lower wort temp to the max possible depending on water temp, I have used the IC in an icewater bath to pre-chill the cooling water during warmer months. Tank water is used for the PC and returns to the tank. I use a hop sock so there is little hop trub, have used flowers directly in the wort but whirlpooling seems to take care of that. Don't even have a pickup in the kettle, it has a flat bottom and the outlet is in the side at the very bottom, trub stays in the centre. Peice a piss this brewing game eh!