Plastic Conical Fermenters

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pb unleaded

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Hi all.
I've been looking at stainless steel conical fermenters, they are so nice and so expensive.
Are there any plastic conicals out there?

I'm sure I've seen one, or something that looks like one at Grain and grape. It's hanging off some support just next to the co2 bottles at the front of the store. I've always wondered what it was, and suspected it was a plastic conical fermentor. Even though I've thought about asking the guys what it was, I never have.

Cheers :)
G&G had one at beertopia. It looked pretty nice, including a little bottle to drain your yeast into. It was more than $250 IIRC.
There are.
They are quite expensive still to get to Oz.
Check them out here

In the words of Max Smart, "missed by that much "
I've read a bit about them, but I don't understand the advantage conicals have over standard fermenters. Can anyone enlighten me on this?
I've read a bit about them, but I don't understand the advantage conicals have over standard fermenters. Can anyone enlighten me on this?
It's obvious you didn't read, only looked at the word wrote down then
I've read a bit about them, but I don't understand the advantage conicals have over standard fermenters. Can anyone enlighten me on this?

There is a direct relationship between the conical shape, and the fact that spent yeast cells sink...

This may clarify it a bit for you...

Grain and Grape want big $$$ for their plastic conicals... I'd want SS for that price... especially if the O/S price seems reasonable (minimash).

Anyone looked at landed cost (I guess freight wont be cheap)
Grain and Grape want big $$$ for their plastic conicals... I'd want SS for that price... especially if the O/S price seems reasonable (minimash).

Anyone looked at landed cost (I guess freight wont be cheap)

I've seriously investigated this already - unfortunately you can pretty well double the conical price to allow for the freight - The only way to make it workable was to buy a full container - Was seriously tempted, but not convinced there's a big enough market here to warrent the investment (approx $30,000) - especially if some enterprising manufaturer here decided to bring one out in the meantime, or wortgames or Brizzybrew suddenly get the S/S ones happening.

Edit: speeling

cheers Ross
You illustrate my point well...

Even if you double the price of the 6.5gallon unit it is still 1/2 the cost of one from the local supplier (not necessarily exactly the same item though... nearest equivalent)
Sent an email off to the Beernut chap

Paraphrasing his reply

"We do ship to Australia but we have to use the US Postal Service because they make us fill out customs forms. It could take a long time. The cost depends on weight really. I think the 6.5 gallon conical is about 25 pounds so about $20 US dollars or so."

At USD130 for the budget (make your own stand) 6.5 US Gallon (5.4 Real Gallons) or USD170 for the 8 Gallon - I suggest if the freight added USD20 to that he would sell a few here.

Think a more realistic freight cost would be around USD90 -100 which pust the landed cost at over AUD300 more likely 400

Definitely in the "nice to have" basket - i think i will survive with my $20 Silverlock specials.

yeh maybe mashmaster can come up with summat in a better price range.
I would be in for one if it came at around $200 AUD.
which is the without stand price plus the $20USD freight.

But I agree that this freight cost may be optimistic for one off.

Maybe $100AUD for 4 would work for freight though?
Just had an idea...

has anyone tried to make one themselves from a regular plastic fermenter?

I'm curious if the stuff the're made of is malleable at a sensible temperature range so that they could be stretched over something pointy(conical) to re-shape the base.... Hmm...

Might be a project for the weekend if I can find my blowtorch..... :D
Roy from TWOC in WA is investigating getting some placcy ones made. It seems manufacturing costs are cheap but the moulds/ tooling before manufacture is very expensive. He has started stocking SS ones too but at $700 + for a 30L one I'll be sticking to my barrels and cubes for the time being :)