Standing up for the Aussie Bottler
Martin - do you have some sources I can look at for this info on calcium? I'd like to amend my water chem document and it would be great to read and find out more.
It is true that yeast require only small amounts of Ca for proper function, and that too high levels of Ca can adversely effect fermentation performance by antagonising Mg uptake.mabrungard said:Well, even myself and John Palmer were taken in by the myth that brewing water HAS to include at least 50 ppm calcium. There are a number factors that are cited and yeast health and flocculation are primary. Apparently, nobody ever really did the research to confirm those factors. It turns out that there is ample research in a variety of scientific journals that completely refute the need for brewing water to include calcium for yeast health. In fact, the research goes further and points out that high calcium in the absence of magnesium can actually harm yeast health.
Fortunately, typical barley and wheat malt provide magnesium and calcium to wort in the proper ratio. Not surprisingly, yeast have evolved to prefer the high magnesium content and relatively low calcium content of typical wort. The Mg to Ca ratio of typical wort is between 2 and 6 parts Mg to 1 part Ca. This is without the additional Mg or Ca that may be supplied by the water.
It also turns out that Ca has the ability to strip Mg from yeast cells. That is a bad thing since yeast need Mg more than they need Ca. In fact, if the yeast become Mg deficient, than can lose the ability to ferment maltose and maltotriose. Lager yeast are particularly susceptible to this, while ale yeast is not.
But this not to say that calcium has no place in brewing water. It turns out that calcium's role in flocculation is very real. In addition, it has a real role in reducing beerstone in the brewery by precipitating out the calcium oxalate from the wort in the tun. For ale brewing, calcium is necessary. The 50 ppm minimum Ca is a reasonable target for ales. But the picture changes for lagers. Since they rely more on long lagering, they are far less dependent on flocculation than an ale is. So they can be brewed with low calcium water. That is one reason why you often hear that the megabrewers use water with very little mineralization. They don't need calcium and as pointed out above, adding calcium could make the yeast Mg deficient and this may create fermentation problems for the lager yeast.
So, the water that the OP listed above should be fine for lager brewing. No need to add calcium unless you want the flavor ions that are attached to the calcium or want to reduce beerstone problems in your brewing. There is no detriment to yeast health when brewing with low calcium water!
Unfortunately, that listing of references doesn't put the whole story together. Those forum members that are members of the Brewers Association or American Homebrewers Association will get to read the whole story in the July/Aug issues of Zymurgy and New Brewer.yum yum yum said:Dont forget however, that Ca is very important for wort production - thermal protection of alpha amylase during mashing, ph regulation, oxalate precipitation, enhanced protein precipitation and a number of other things. 50-100ppm Ca is recommended for wort production. You would get about 30ppm from you malt alone.
Ca has a number of beneficial roles that are separate to its role in pH reduction (yes, this is what I was referring to when I said pH regulation). You most certainly can reduce pH by simple acid addition, nothing wrong with that.mabrungard said:Unfortunately, that listing of references doesn't put the whole story together. Those forum members that are members of the Brewers Association or American Homebrewers Association will get to read the whole story in the July/Aug issues of Zymurgy and New Brewer.
While the thermal protection of alpha amylase (AA) is a welcome feature of calcium addition, its effect is almost negligible at the calcium content we typically employ in brewing. The reference that confirms that alpha amylase is indeed thermally protected by calcium addition, only conducted that evaluation at 400 ppm calcium. Using another reference, I was able to confirm that the thermal protective response of calcium addition is generally proportional to calcium content. Since the thermal stability of AA is enhanced by roughly 50% at 400 ppm Ca, Its fairly easy to back calculate that the effect is almost negligible at 50 to 100 ppm. In addition, that thermal stability research was performed at 70C. While some brewers do conduct mashes at that temp, many brewers find that better results are produced with slightly lower mashing temperatures. AA thermal stability is greatly enhanced by minor temperature reduction. The advantage presented by elevating the water's calcium content is therefore, further muted.
I had not heard of calcium's role in pH regulation. However I have heard of its role in mash pH reduction via its reaction with malt phytins. Perhaps that was what you were implying? While calcium's ability to reduce mash pH is well known, it is not the only way to achieve pH reduction. Acid addition is substantially more effective than calcium's effect, but its effect comes along with an anion that may or may not be desirable in the finished beer. Calcium addition also comes with this bonus or detriment of an anion addition. Since this is essentially a wash, adding calcium for its pH reducing effect is neither a plus or minus.
Oxalate reduction IS an important feature of calcium addition. The opportunity to precipitate oxalates in the mash instead of beerstone throughout your brewery or equipment is an important advantage. I find that about 40 ppm is the minimum calcium needed in the brewing water to provide adequate oxalate reduction. However, there are hundreds of breweries that routinely brew with far less calcium in their water. All it means is that a brewer will have to contend with the additional problems that beerstone presents for maintenance and operation. Again, calcium is desirable, but not required.
Typical barley or wheat produces wort with a bit more calcium than mentioned above. 60 ppm Ca is easily achieved in typical 1.045 gravity wort using distilled water. All that calcium comes directly from the malt. That calcium content is more than needed for the nutritional needs of yeast (which are about 10 to 20 ppm Ca). So it is not necessary to supplement the water for that reason.
So I reiterate: Calcium is NOT REQUIRED in brewing water. However, there are reasons to include it in some cases. The oxalate reduction is a good reason and for ale yeast, the ability to flocculate well is another. There is little reason beyond that to target a certain calcium content. I find that an important reason to add calcium is to obtain those anions that generally regard as desirable for flavor (chloride and sulfate). With all this said, ale brewers should still target a calcium level in the 40 to 150 ppm range for a variety of reasons. However, lager brewers should not target similar levels. Lager yeast can be adversely affected by high calcium levels unless the yeast have been pre-acclimated to high calcium levels. In the case of many lager strains, you are better off targeting much lower calcium levels than suggested for ale yeasts.
The point of my original post was to alert brewers that the 50 ppm calcium target is not necessary or desirable for lager brewing and might be ignored for some ale brewing.
Firstly, the "fact" is incorrect.. Lagering actually reduces oxidation by allowing the yeast to clean up not only off flavours, but residual oxygen and other imperfections, and improves beer stability over longer time frames.yum yum yum said:In the end, there are many ways to skin a cat. If you want clear/bright beer, I would keep adding Ca. Otherwise you might be waiting a very long time for your beer to clear up. If you have a good clean ferment, lagering will not improve flavour, just clarity. In fact, the longer beer is stored, the more aged and oxidised it will become
The way yyy worded the text I quoted was to allude that lagering for longer periods doesn't mature the beer, but negatively impacts it instead. To which I referred to a centuries old observation in which that isn't the case.manticle said:Yyy said the longer beer is stored (not lagered) the more it is prone to staling. What happened in 1553 doesn't negate that.
His argument was that with insufficient Ca, lagering periods would be extended considerably in order to achieve the same levels of flocculation.
Staling reactions occur as early as mash and even malting from memory - chemical pathways that are often irreversible which have a variety of effects on flavour - some desirable (beer dependent) others not so. Active yeast may retard some of the negative effects and stave off other oxidation reactions but its efficacy is not permanent or immortal.
First port of call Acidulated malt, the rest of your chems aint that bad.TheWiggman said:My next venture is a Bohemian pilsner. I now have my system under control and have the luxury of temp control. The venture into the subtle style of pilsner though has identified the biggest weakness in my system to tackle this - water.
I've enjoyed reading through this thread with some clearly very experienced an knowledgeable brewers. Below is a picture of the tap water I have on hand, which I got tested privately recently -
Metals - tested to CA14106. If not listed, concentration is <0.01mg/l
Calcium 9.9 mg/l
Copper 0.02 mg/l
Magnesium 7.1 mg/l
Potassium 3 mg/l
Silica (Si02) 4.9 mg/l
Sodium 10 mg/l
Zinc 0.03 mg/l
Total hardness: 54.0 mg\l
Anions - test method CA15000
Chloride (Cl) 14 mg/l
Sulfate (SO4) 4 mg/l
Alkalinity - test method CA12121
Total alkalinity (CaCO3) 53 mg/l
Phenolphthalein alkalinity (CaCO3) <25 mg/l
pH @ 25°C 7.4
Overall it's good and very low in minerals, but I've noticed that due to the slight hardness and measured alkalinity, the mash pH is too high. To do a pilsener properly I need it to get down to the low 5's.
There are a few ways I can see I can do this -
The issue as I see it is mainly the total carbonate (bicarb + carb) content. Using a calculator, it's around 64 ppm. If I use CaCl this will up the bicarbonate and minerals but reduce the pH.
- Adding some acidulated malt (2% max recommend to minimise minerals)
- Treating with calcium chloride
- Treating with lactic acid
If I use lactic acid though I can get it as far down as I want, but I'm concerned 4ml of lactic acid (some for the sparge, some for mash) will contribute too much to flavour/sourness and will again have a negative impact. In either case I will need to add some some I can fly sparge at 85°C.
Any suggestions? I have a feeling lactic acid is simply 'too easy' and if it was the be-all and end-all of pH issues it'd be a stable mention for any home brewer. And no, I don't have access to RO water and due to cost I want to avoid distilled. I've attached the Brunwater spreadsheet for those interested.