"perth Brewer Reproduces Diggers' Pale Ale To Mark Anzac Day&

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That sounds great!!!!!

If anyone can come up with a recipe i would love a copy...

Anything to do with beer and the great wars are just my thing.
Doesn't sound to me like its a very genuine recipe at all. Sounds like the did a bit of research and picked and chose ingredients that suited them. My bet is it will be miles different to the beers they drank back then. And honey to make it similar to an anzac buscuit??? Sorry to sound cynical, it would be an interesting concept if it was a genuine reproduction, but this seems more like a publicity thing to me.
That article lost me after this paragraph... makes for some very silly generalizations. I underlined the bit that really did it for me :huh: ;

The beer has a honey addition, creating similarities to an Anzac biscuit, and oats also feature in the malt mash, Mr Reilly said. The idea is that the rough bitterness commonly associated with Aussie pale ales will be nicely balanced out with the light addition of wildflower honey nothing too sweet, just a little bit to round out the beer and give it an Anzac biscuit novelty effect.

Warren -
Coopers would have to be about the closest example to beer of that period one would think.

Have to agree with TD - bit of a marketing ploy, but a nice idea all the same.
