Pale Ales are so hot right now: Carlton Pale

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Awaiting moderation, they usually publish. Maybe someone in the duopoly's marketing setups read Brews News.
Current brewing situation at Carlton


And here it is, not my picture, but one comment against it was "not bad", however, it was a friend of a friend and I have no idea what his beer appreciate level is at......
fraser_john said:

And here it is, not my picture, but one comment against it was "not bad", however, it was a friend of a friend and I have no idea what his beer appreciate level is at......
Casts to wide a net in the Aussie vernacular to be reliable.
"Dave, how ya goin?" - 'Yeah, not bad mate' - even if I feel like ****.
Just sayin..
Didn't realise the Darling Pale Ale had bitten the dust already.... that was quick! can't say I'm in the least bit surprised...
I'm surprised there hasn't been more feedback about this here.
I tried a schooner last week at a club and I didn't think it was too bad. It's NOT an APA and doesn't pretend to be. Very little in the way of finishing hops and a typical CUB presence that reminds me of PoR. Hop-wise reminded of Cascade but subtly different (their web site says Cascade and Amarillo so on the mark there). It - like all CUB offerings - is tailored to be able to drink many in the one sitting and from that point of view it's a winner. It doesn't taste like an ale in the traditional sense, it's more like a lager without the PoR stink that puts beer appreciators off. If I brewed this as my own take on an Aussie pale ale truth be told I'd be very happy with it.
Better than the XXXX Gold Pale Ale without doubt, haven't tried Darling for comparison.
I'm surprised there hasn't been more feedback about this here.
I tried a schooner last week at a club and I didn't think it was too bad. It's NOT an APA and doesn't pretend to be. Very little in the way of finishing hops and a typical CUB presence that reminds me of PoR. Hop-wise reminded of Cascade but subtly different (their web site says Cascade and Amarillo so on the mark there). It - like all CUB offerings - is tailored to be able to drink many in the one sitting and from that point of view it's a winner. It doesn't taste like an ale in the traditional sense, it's more like a lager without the PoR stink that puts beer appreciators off. If I brewed this as my own take on an Aussie pale ale truth be told I'd be very happy with it.
Better than the XXXX Gold Pale Ale without doubt, haven't tried Darling for comparison.
I was watching the AFL prelim with a few mates at a mega swill pub and tried one. I thought it was awful. It was like a Draught, with a stale fruity ale taste shining through. I struggled through it, then actually changed back to something as equally awful (but still better) in the form of a Tooheys New.
TheWiggman said:
I'm surprised there hasn't been more feedback about this here.
I tried a schooner last week at a club and I didn't think it was too bad. It's NOT an APA and doesn't pretend to be. Very little in the way of finishing hops and a typical CUB presence that reminds me of PoR. Hop-wise reminded of Cascade but subtly different (their web site says Cascade and Amarillo so on the mark there). It - like all CUB offerings - is tailored to be able to drink many in the one sitting and from that point of view it's a winner. It doesn't taste like an ale in the traditional sense, it's more like a lager without the PoR stink that puts beer appreciators off. If I brewed this as my own take on an Aussie pale ale truth be told I'd be very happy with it.
Better than the XXXX Gold Pale Ale without doubt, haven't tried Darling for comparison.
I got to try a pint of this last week and agree, for a megaswill version of something that is trying to retain some of its own customers, its a good product. I think I'd buy it over Carlton Draught in just about any pub that did not have something better on tap. That said, I didn't buy a second as they had Guinness.
I haven't tried it yet but their marketing is ******* stupid. An ale that doesn't take decades to drink etc. **** off :lol: :p
**** me.

Had this today at the bowlo because it was the only pale ale available that wasn't fat yak.

Crap!! They should be ashamed.

I had xxxx pale ale last week after golf and that actually went down ok, it was no craft beer ale but it was ok.

Should of got the fat yak
I tried it a week or two ago as well, was pretty underwhelming. No hop presence and little malt flavor, very bland overall.
Just a pig-in-a-poke, Tastes like someone diluted a pint of pale ale with a keg of Carlton Draft and is passing it off for as premium.
DU99 said:
went to my local BWS and the guy said never heard of it..
Only on tap as far as I know, DU. Curiosity got the better of me last week, and I tried a pint at the pub in Kalbarri. It tasted like a Pale Ale kit beer with no hop additions after 60 minutes. Clean enough on a hot day, but I switched back to the stubbies of Coopers on offer.
The one and only comment in that article is pretty much on the ball. Aussie lagers (draught if you prefer) are unique in their historical laziness. When lager beer became popular in Europe and then Australia *finally* got access to commercial refrigeration, they simply kept the same ingredients, same recipes and switched to lager yeast and lager fermentation. Voila! we suddenly get our own beer style, how good is that.

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