Overstimulated yeast

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Newish to AGB, but much experience with kits. Just had something happen that I'm not sure if it's normal for AGB. I can't see why it would be toooo different, but hey.

Brewed up my wort & pitched my yeast, all no issue. My temperature control is spot on and constant. T0+12hrs, my yeast was going nuts. And when I say nuts I mean nuts! I could see the wort bubbling if I looked hard enough. Makes me nervous about infection, but as usual I was super sterile.

At t0+36hrs I was bubbling away slower, but still going. However at t0+60hrs (2.5days), there's nothing. Absolutely nothing. Stopped. Given up. Run out of juice. I can tell by the way my airlock is behaving, that I don't have an air leak.

I've never seen yeast stop like that. I'm used to yeast winding down over days/weeks, not hours!

Is this a "thing" with AGB? Do I risk bottling?
If you pitched a lot of yeast with a lot of available oxygen and nutrients in the wort and your mash temp was low with a lot of fermentable sugars then there's no reason for this to be a worry.
So many variables but you're a little scant on details.

What yeast did you use? This will have a huge bearing on behaviour (compare Wyeast 3068 which will need a minimum of 50% head space to not blow out vs. 2124, quiet and slow). Some yeast like Coopers or 1084 can, with the right conditions, chew down in the space of a few days.
O2, yeast health, nutrients and contents of the brewed beer will all have and effect on fermentation speed.

Also, don't confuse sterile with sanitised. It's like being pregnant, you can't be a little bit sterile. Unless you autoclaved your fermenter, the word you're looking for is 'sanitised'.

Decide on bottling based on your gravities and recipe details.
Duude, what yeast and fermenting temp? Did you make a starter? Whatever the case, a vigorous healthy ferment is generally preferred to a very slow one.

But duude, let's call it AG - all grain without the B. AGB has too many other meanings to confuse it with my favourite hobby!
Gravities? Temperature of ferment.. Recipe? Yeast?

These are the important details needed to help diagnose.
Camo6 said:
Duude, what yeast and fermenting temp? Did you make a starter? Whatever the case, a vigorous healthy ferment is generally preferred to a very slow one.

But duude, let's call it AG - all grain without the B. AGB has too many other meanings to confuse it with my favourite hobby!
Haha I laughed, I've had many an AGB after too many AG beers much to my wife's disgust.

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