Over Carbed Mountain Goat Pale

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I've taken many a wine back that's corked.

cheers Ross

By law the company has to refund or replace wine that is "corked" It is a fault with the cork that taints the wine. I think you will find thats why a lot of wines are going to Stelvin. (screwtop) No affilation with you know who :p

...and it is only by people reporting issues to retailers and brewers that they will know the extent of the issue. So not taking stuff back with a decent reason helps no-one (especially you - the customer - as you will always get at least the beer volume you returned back again).

I'd imaging the brewers would know about it almost immediately. The question is which ones do something about it and which ones don't. I've had a lot of off beers from a lot of microbreweries here in Victoria. It seems like the problem has gotten worse in the past year. Maybe production has ramped up and they are not quality assuring their product before it goes out? Still, very disappointing and a shocker when you pay nearly $20 for a 6 pack. The last thing I want to do is go back to the bottle shop after just getting home, but, I've certainly done it.
excuse the low light phone pic, but just after i'd read this thread i thought i'd better check the stubbie i'd just scored at Dans.


Took 5 minutes to pour it. Still damn tasty thank goodness.