Thanks for the history Reg. It's good to know how the beer community works
GSRman, it's hard to know what to buy unless you have an idea of the beers you want to brew!
I planned a wit, a Pale Ale, Amber Ale, Doppel Bock and a "leavings beer".
I bought a 28Kg pail of LME (bought light LME figuring I could always
add colour with grains, but not remove it
3.5Kg of Crystal Malt (for colour and body in just about every brew)
1.7Kg ESB Wheat Malt extract for the wit
500g wheat malt (grain) for the wit and additions for other brews
500g Pale Chocolate Malt
3Kg caramunich
600g munich
150g smoked
(weird sizes due to swapping with friends who bought bulk in other varieties)
Then I bough cascade, saaz and Perle hops. Maybe not the best choices in hops in terms of matching the styles exactly... but I bought what I liked
WLP001 California Ale Yeast.
Safale (backup)
Saflager (for the Bock)
That should give you an idea. Work out some grains that'll compliment a few styles and work out what overlaps. Make a list from that.