Sorry to take things OT, but apart from a few die-hard hobbyists, why would anyone in Japan home brew?
If you could afford the space to brew, you would have enough money to drink whatever you like!
You have a very cliched and inaccurate view of Japan...
My Japanese father-in-law just gave me a 1/4 acre of "spare" land to build a house on. It was being used as a rice paddy but he was saving it for his daughter in the long term.
The builder apologized profusely that it used to take 1 day to get building approval for a house, but now the laws have become much more difficult and it could take up to 1 or 2 weeks to get approval...

h34r: Try THAT in Australia...
Japan is actually mostly wilderness and forest still! (Or at worst timber plantations). It's just up in the mountains, where no-one wants to live, except a few ancient villages consisting of about 5 self sufficient 80 year old mushroom farmers!
But, yes, Japanese are VERY law abiding and generally don't see the need to question existing laws, so in some ways the place seems very progressive, eg, beer vending machines and drinking a beer on the train, but in others can seem like a conservative 1950's style nightmare where the 60's never actually happened... e.g. marijuana culture is virtually non-existant over there, and prohibition strictly enforced, yet at the same time you can buy a 1kg bag of hemp seeds from the pet shop for around 200 yen (about 2-3 dollars).
As I will be living in Japan iin about 6 months too, I am also interested in home brewing over there... technically breaking the law... but it seems to be in the "dilute your final brew down with 50 litres of water to make it legal, wink wink" category at the moment. Supplies ARE available, at least...
As for change, that would be great, but Japan DOES seem to have a great deal of "cultural inertia" and they really don't give a stuff what some gaijin has to say...