Hello All,
I have two old Coca-Cola Kegs that I picked up 10+ years ago during my first stint at home brewing. Now I have started again, I pressure tested both of them to see what I need to do to get them operational again. One appears tight, the other is leaking from the pressure relief valve.
My question is; Does anyone know where I can get a new PRV or parts in general for these?
I have spent plenty of time searching the internet and have called numerous suppliers without any luck. Best advice I received to date is to use a stainless bolt to plug it up and pray for no explosions.
The only manufacturer mark I can find on the keg is a "Rheem" stamp on the rubber base.
Pictures below:

Any information would be appreciated.
I have two old Coca-Cola Kegs that I picked up 10+ years ago during my first stint at home brewing. Now I have started again, I pressure tested both of them to see what I need to do to get them operational again. One appears tight, the other is leaking from the pressure relief valve.
My question is; Does anyone know where I can get a new PRV or parts in general for these?
I have spent plenty of time searching the internet and have called numerous suppliers without any luck. Best advice I received to date is to use a stainless bolt to plug it up and pray for no explosions.
The only manufacturer mark I can find on the keg is a "Rheem" stamp on the rubber base.
Pictures below:

Any information would be appreciated.