Oktoberfest Beers

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Hi All,

I hold an annual Oktoberfest BBQ just for sake of doing so. This years will be the third event in a row and the previous two have gone over well with friends.

Interested to hear your opinions for what beers you would have available for such an event (and recipes as well - all grain).

For the past events I've had the following on tap:

  • German Lager
  • Oktoberfest
  • Munich Dunkel
  • Weizen
  • Quasi-Kolsch
  • some random beer

At the first event, the Oktoberfest was the favourite and the keg was demolished, last year it was my last minute quasi-Kolsch (fermented with US-05, so not authentic).

I've decided to do an Oktoberfest (duh!!), Dunkel & lager but am unsure about the rest. I have an Oktoberfest & Dunkel recipe that I'm very happy with and am drinking a lager that isn't too bad (pale lagers are always the hardest to nail!!).

Previously the Weizens have met with up-turned noses by most when given a sample and not sure how a genuine Kolsch will go over.

So, what would you brew for such an occaision?

If you give your address and the date I wont need to brew them. :D
Hi All,

I hold an annual Oktoberfest BBQ just for sake of doing so. This years will be the third event in a row and the previous two have gone over well with friends.

Interested to hear your opinions for what beers you would have available for such an event (and recipes as well - all grain).

For the past events I've had the following on tap:

  • German Lager
  • Oktoberfest
  • Munich Dunkel
  • Weizen
  • Quasi-Kolsch
  • some random beer

At the first event, the Oktoberfest was the favourite and the keg was demolished, last year it was my last minute quasi-Kolsch (fermented with US-05, so not authentic).

I've decided to do an Oktoberfest (duh!!), Dunkel & lager but am unsure about the rest. I have an Oktoberfest & Dunkel recipe that I'm very happy with and am drinking a lager that isn't too bad (pale lagers are always the hardest to nail!!).

Previously the Weizens have met with up-turned noses by most when given a sample and not sure how a genuine Kolsch will go over.

So, what would you brew for such an occaision?


If you invite people who turn their noses up at weizens, the great Australian "I'll be buggered" philosophy should come into place. The buggers don't deserve you !

Dunkel & Lagers - you're 95% there.

You can't do an authentic kolsch - Newcastle aint Germany. Don't try. I love using the Whitelabs Kolsch/German Ale yeast and bugger all people like the flavours it throws (watch out next case swap). But I make it for me.

I love making a simple altbier - 75% munich & 25% bo pils (or pale ale) , noble hops, a touch of melanoiden to avoid rests, US 05 fine but have used Whitelabs Edinburgh / Wyeast Scottish ale to great success. Call it my house brew. Malty, easy to drink, if it aint german, my relatives weren't called Luhrs.

Swartzbier - if your mates are Tooheys Old drinkers, get a dark beer recipe !

And like Barry, give us an invitation !!!! :icon_cheers:
Wack a few weizens in some dark stubbies just for a tester. I bet it's the clarity that makes people go 'eew I don't like that'. Give a man a schofferhoffer, he thinks it's a nice beer. Give him a glass of it and he thinks there's something wrong.
Previously the Weizens have met with up-turned noses by most when given a sample and not sure how a genuine Kolsch will go over.


Can't say that surprises me at all. ;)


Barry & FG - as it is the numbers are probably more than my humble little townhouse can handle...but I'll squeeze em in!!

FG - Did a FWK Swartzbier last year and I think only one person (who drinks nothing other than Old) drank it - other than myself.

Having said that, its free beer for them and damn it, they'll drink it and enjoy it coz its free!! lol

Now how about food?

In the past I've done home made pretzels, meatloaf, schnitzel, various wursts, and so on... what else food-wise that's easy to prepare for too many hungry mouths? :)

I have one reliable guest who has made the most fantastic Black Forest cake on both occaisions so dessert is well and truly covered.

='cliffo' date='Jun 21 2009, 09:05 PM' post='480435']
Now how about food? In the past I've done home made pretzels, meatloaf, schnitzel, various wursts, and so on... what else food-wise that's easy to prepare for too many hungry mouths? :)

Rule # 1 Beer = Meat. No vegetarians allowed. But pretzels are good.

I have one reliable guest who has made the most fantastic Black Forest cake on both occaisions so dessert is well and truly covered.

See Rule # 1

Sounds like a great time. Barry & I would like to come but we are busy that weekend ........... :icon_cheers:
Well you got a nice selection of beers there. I personally would love a Weizen but thats not the most popular style here.
You could include a light Bock or Maibock. Nice malty and easy drinking.
I bet that a Pils could be quite popular as well.

As for food I can recommend you to make Obatzter. That is a traditional bavarian dish that you would have in the beer garden or Oktoberfest. Its awesome when you drink beer.
I had some mates over for a beer tasting a few weeks back and they loved it!

And let me know how you go with the meatloaf. I used to get Leberkaes (thats what we call it in Bavaria) at Bibina in Warners Bay but they seem to have problems getting it in. A shame because I really love it.
geez cliffo I wish I was your mate. bloody great idea.

I recon still hang in there with a wheat beer. but maybe tone it down to a boh wheat or summer wheat. make it a little easier on them. just think spring.

+1 for a altbier

if they didnt like the Swartzbier (heathons! hmm swartbieer loaded with saaz :icon_drool2: ) then maybe a bock as Unterberg suggested.
Best pretzel recipe ever. About the only thing I know how to make.

Cannot go wrong with this one. You actually only need to bake for about 5-6 minutes. Kick ass complement to a great beer.

Looks very similar to the one I make. Easy as to make and soo tasty
As for food I can recommend you to make Obatzter. That is a traditional bavarian dish that you would have in the beer garden or Oktoberfest. Its awesome when you drink beer.
I had some mates over for a beer tasting a few weeks back and they loved it!

And let me know how you go with the meatloaf. I used to get Leberkaes (thats what we call it in Bavaria) at Bibina in Warners Bay but they seem to have problems getting it in. A shame because I really love it.

Just googled Obatzer and I think that may have just made the list :)

I sourced a lot of stuff form Bibina in previous years, they tend to have a good selection of things ou can't get form the supermarket.

My vote goes for a Doppelbock, ive got one about to start lagering and its awesome!! Decievingly easy to drink as well for such a high alc..
hmm swartbieer loaded with saaz

I've never even considered this, saaz in a Schwarzbier. I don't know if it would be true to style but it sounds bloody beautiful :chug: Fridays brew day will have one of these in the making !

Cheers citymorgue

i remember at oktoberfest they had half chickens and huge bratwursts which could be good
Just googled Obatzer and I think that may have just made the list :)

I sourced a lot of stuff form Bibina in previous years, they tend to have a good selection of things ou can't get form the supermarket.


I have put my recipe for O'batzter in the Brew food section.

If you need me to rock up in my Bavarian Lederhosen to make the whole event a bit more authentic let me know :icon_cheers:
I have put my recipe for O'batzter in the Brew food section.

If you need me to rock up in my Bavarian Lederhosen to make the whole event a bit more authentic let me know :icon_cheers:

Thanks for the recipe - thats been bookmarked.

I'll keep the special authentic guest appearance in mind lol
