Oh No, Not Dry Enzyme (again)

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I dont want to start the old Dry Enzyme debate off again :wacko: , but I would like some advise as to what would be the best style to try this with. I have never used it before and think I should give it a go in a light, maybe dry hopped style summer Lager. Any advise on using this stuff would be welcome.
Also at what stage do u add it to the brew?
Chuck it in with the yeast

It converts usually unfermentable sugars into fermentable ones

It'll get your FG very very low - so leave it to do it's thing before bottling / kegging

I would advise to just mash at lower temps rather than using the enzyme

Pretty aggressive stuff that dry enzyme, used it a few times.. just give it plenty of time in the fermenter, the SG will continue dropping steadily for many days after fermentation activity subsides, and it won't be finished until you reach 1.000 on the hydrometer.

Beer produced is more typical mega-swill dry style, bit tart from the lack of residual sweetness, but the GF seems to like them.