I am just gobsmacked that Kokanee was rated as highest in the lager category with Hahn Premium, and at $23 a 6 pack no less! It is basically western Canada's megaswill, much like VB or new. It sells for about $10 a 6 pack over there, right next to some of the best quality beers on the planet, for about the same price (nearly all beers over there in BC seem to be around $10 a 6 pack, they dont sell them in cartons of 24). Mind you, each country tends to export its worst beer - think Fosters for Oz, Bud for the US, Corona for mexico, Stella for Belgium, carling for the Poms, etc...
I think that they could have gotten a much better selection of beers to try, and to tempt the average aussie into getting more into the micro beers, but that said, there is a reasonably good selection of "micro" beers there, and it is good to see some of them do quite well. I think some of them were actually micro's too, as I assume the Crackenback is.
I dont agree with them, per se, but they could have done alot worse than they did. I just try and remember that Aussie's are a headstrong bunch, and turning them onto really good beer probably needs to be taken one step at a time. After all, the American micro's (all 1400 of em) only hold about 5% of the beer market.
Maybe next year they will put some more good beers in there, and get some more beer educated experts (with no disrespect intended to the expert panel they had). Mind you, unless VB and New are rated highly, no aussie yobbo is gonna give any credence to the survey - "No way that LCPA is better than VB! I had it once, they musta spilled perfume in it before it got bottled, tasted like flowers" etc...
Hopefully for us the market changes sooner rather than later
All the best