Odds And Ends Extract

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Used up some odds and ends today.
Brewed up in a hurry tonight.
This is what I ended up with:

1kg liquid amber malt
1kg liquid wheat malt
1kg light dry malt
0.5 kg dextrose (just to use it up)
250g crystal 60

Didn't have much hops, so tried this using all I had left:

30g cascade at 60
30g goldings at 60
20g cascade at 15
10g cascade at 10

Not sure how it will turn out using the goldings with the cascade for bittering, but I like hoppy beer and I had nothing else!
Also the first time I've tried wheat malt.

Initial gravity 1.052
23L volume

Washed Whitelabs East Coast liquid ale yeast in a starter - I like this yeast.
I find it forgiving if things go a little awry with temperature, as they often do when I brew.

Nothing left in the cupboard now except 1kg light dry yeast....bring on pay-day!!!!

Will be interesting to see how it turns out.

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