w... why?
+1w... why?
hi has anyone used nutri grain in there kit beers and how did it go ..
w.. why not. B) I reckon someone has tried it before .. the fact that it hasn't been a commonly asked (and answered) question probably should mean its a bloody silly thing to do. But I'm brewing a chocolate chilli coconut beer at the present (but at least I have a solid if stupid reason).
What's in Nutrigrain ? (never bought the stuff).
Breakfast of Champions???
the only thing i would go anywhere near would be adding weet-bix. atleast you know its got very little aditives compared to nutri grain.
still silly nonetheless.
thanks for the feedback regarding nutrigrain i had no glucose or malt .so did a mini mash 500gr nutri grain 500gr barley flakes . the kit was blackrock ipa.any way its bubbling away now .so will let you know how it goes.cheers wes.
thanks tim i will try mash some malted grains with my next kit. :icon_cheers: and save my nutri beer for sat mornings lol.You need malted grains in your mash, it's the enzymes in the malted grains that convert the starches into fermentable sugars. Without that, the nutrigrain will add some flavour but lots of starch (haziness) and no extra sugars past the amount already in sugar form in the cereal.
Keep us updated, wesley!thanks tim i will try mash some malted grains with my next kit. :icon_cheers: and save my nutri beer for sat mornings lol.
thanks for the feedback regarding nutrigrain i had no glucose or malt .so did a mini mash 500gr nutri grain 500gr barley flakes . the kit was blackrock ipa.any way its bubbling away now .so will let you know how it goes.cheers wes.
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