Nsw Xmas In July 2006 Case Consumption

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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This is the topic to place your reviews of the beers in the NSW Xmas in July Case.
DON'T put your recipes in here. Instead post them into the RecipesDB and provide a link. We were hoping to have the Rating section of the RecipeDB up, but JasonY (bless his heart) rebuild the app from the ground up and this functionality hasn't been rebuilt yet.

Here are the beers and the details with info on when to consume.


Duff - Firkin Bolter - Dunkelweizen - WLP300, bottled (not yet) so will need a couple of weeks to carbonate
Gough - Dry Irish Stout - Wyeast 1968, brewed 14-6-06, will DEFINITELY need time to carbonate!!!
Stuster - Belgian Dubbel, Wyeast 1388, bottled 17/05/06, may improve with age
Doc - Irish Red, WLP002, Bottled using CPBF. Perfect to drink now
PoMo - English Bitter, WLP023, Bottled 16/6/06
Berapnopod - Dry Stout - WLP004 (Guinness yeast) - bottled 17/06 - needs a couple of weeks at ale temps
n00ch - Dark Mild, Irish Ale WY1084, botteld 16/6/06. Might want to leave it for 2 weeks if possible.
Kungy - American IPA, Safale US-56, bottled 28/5/06, A fair bit of sediment-probably best to leave at least a week to settle, fairly good drinking now but of course the longer the better taste and slightly more carbonation
Weizguy - Chocolate Porter (W1318 - bottled 27/6) & Berliner Weisse (bonus beer - Wyeast German Ale/ lacto culture, bottled 28/6) Leave the Berliner at least until the end of the month. These beers are meant to age well up to 3 years (2 chances!) in the fridge. No cheese this time...just tart lactic reminiscent of natural yoghurt.
The porter has become a little cloudy with carbonation/secondary ferment, and a little manky with it. I'm suggesting that, at 5.7% alc, and to allow the yeast to settle it would be best at mid-late August. And don't forget to pirate the London ale III yeast.
Berto - Oatmeal Stout, Safale S04. Not yet bottled
Stephen -Special Bitter. Wyeast 1028. Bottled 12 Mar 06 (Yeah, I got in early)
Linz - Grumpy Scottish Stag,WY1728, Bottled 28/5/2006
Barry - Robust Porter, WLP004 Irish, bottled 29/04/06, drink now+
Trent - English IPA, WY1028 Bottled on 7/5/2006 Beware of hop trub
T.D - Boston Lager, W34/70, Bottled on 28/05/2006, it is ready to drink now
Shmick - ESB, S-04, bottled 10/6/06. Give it a week but drink it young.
DrewCarey82 - Pilsener, kit yeast, Best 2 weeks after drop off.
Nifty - Californian Common – WLP810, Brewed 01/05/06, Bottled 04/06/06. It’s good to go
Josh - Pilsener Saflager 34/70, Bottled 20/04/06, give a week settling in fridge
KoNG - English Bitter, S-04 , Bottled 18/6/06, should be ready a week after pickup
Thommo - Californian Common - US56 (cheating, I know) - Brewed 12/6/06 - Drink same time as Goughs!!!
Beer Slayer - APA bottled 22/6/06 US56 needs at least 2-3 weeks
Pint of Lager - Dortmunder export, brewed 19/5/06 bottled 14/6/06, if possible, it needs some quiet time in your fridge
Stickler - Pale Ale (partial) US-56, bottled 16/05/06
Keith the Beer Guy - Keith's Bastard Chocolate Porter, US56; Brewed 11/06/06, Bottled 27/06/06; Drink middle of July if you're brave enough!
homebrewworld.com - Irish Red Ale, S-O4, Bottled 22/6/06 needs some carb time at least. cheers
Chilled - Australian Larger, Wyeast 2007...Bottled 20/06 best left till mid July
Looking at what order to drink it, this is a very quick and crude list of the early drinking beers.


Stephen -Special Bitter. Wyeast 1028. Bottled 12 Mar 06 (Yeah, I got in early)
Nifty - Californian Common WLP810, Brewed 01/05/06, Bottled 04/06/06. Its good to go
Doc - Irish Red, WLP002, Bottled using CPBF. Perfect to drink now
Linz - Grumpy Scottish Stag,WY1728, Bottled 28/5/2006
Barry - Robust Porter, WLP004 Irish, bottled 29/04/06, drink now+
Shmick - ESB, S-04, bottled 10/6/06. Give it a week but drink it young.
T.D - Boston Lager, W34/70, Bottled on 28/05/2006, it is ready to drink now
Stuster - Belgian Dubbel, Wyeast 1388, bottled 17/05/06, may improve with age
Kungy - American IPA, Safale US-56, bottled 28/5/06, A fair bit of sediment-probably best to leave at least a week to settle, fairly good drinking now but of course the longer the better taste and slightly more carbonation
Trent - English IPA, WY1028 Bottled on 7/5/2006 Beware of hop trub
PoMo - English Bitter, WLP023, Bottled 16/6/06
Berapnopod - Dry Stout - WLP004 (Guinness yeast) - bottled 17/06 - needs a couple of weeks at ale temps
KoNG - English Bitter, S-04 , Bottled 18/6/06, should be ready a week after pickup
Beer Slayer - APA bottled 22/6/06 US56 needs at least 2-3 weeks
n00ch - Dark Mild, Irish Ale WY1084, botteld 16/6/06. Might want to leave it for 2 weeks if possible.
Thommo - Californian Common - US56 (cheating, I know) - Brewed 12/6/06 - Drink same time as Goughs!!!
Hi Everyone,

I'm bored tonight so I may as well start it off.

Here is the link to my recipe Crazy Horse Pale Ale.

Here are some other things that I couldn't put in the recipe. Its an American IPA, with the 0 minute hops being dry hopped, the OG was actually 1064 (a tad low for my liking), the FG a pretty low 1008, and the IBU calculations are considerably different to what Promash tells me.

Hope you enjoy it.

I had already posted my bottling date a little while ago but someone must have started copying and posting an earlier list. Anyhow mine should be ready to go.

Cheers and thanks to all for organising and can't wait to get into 'em.

Edit: Updated into Master List.
Looking at what order to drink it, this is a very quick and crude list of the early drinking beers.


Stephen -Special Bitter. Wyeast 1028. Bottled 12 Mar 06 (Yeah, I got in early)
Nifty - Californian Common WLP810, Brewed 01/05/06, Bottled 04/06/06. Its good to go
Doc - Irish Red, WLP002, Bottled using CPBF. Perfect to drink now
Linz - Grumpy Scottish Stag,WY1728, Bottled 28/5/2006
Barry - Robust Porter, WLP004 Irish, bottled 29/04/06, drink now+
Shmick - ESB, S-04, bottled 10/6/06. Give it a week but drink it young.
T.D - Boston Lager, W34/70, Bottled on 28/05/2006, it is ready to drink now
Stuster - Belgian Dubbel, Wyeast 1388, bottled 17/05/06, may improve with age
Kungy - American IPA, Safale US-56, bottled 28/5/06, A fair bit of sediment-probably best to leave at least a week to settle, fairly good drinking now but of course the longer the better taste and slightly more carbonation
Trent - English IPA, WY1028 Bottled on 7/5/2006 Beware of hop trub
PoMo - English Bitter, WLP023, Bottled 16/6/06
Berapnopod - Dry Stout - WLP004 (Guinness yeast) - bottled 17/06 - needs a couple of weeks at ale temps
KoNG - English Bitter, S-04 , Bottled 18/6/06, should be ready a week after pickup
Beer Slayer - APA bottled 22/6/06 US56 needs at least 2-3 weeks
n00ch - Dark Mild, Irish Ale WY1084, botteld 16/6/06. Might want to leave it for 2 weeks if possible.
Thommo - Californian Common - US56 (cheating, I know) - Brewed 12/6/06 - Drink same time as Goughs!!!

Please don't drink mine straight away. Brewed 12/6/06, bottled 29th!!!! Will be flat for a few weeks yet. I've got some stubbies left over and will test in two weeks and keep you posted.

Please don't drink mine straight away. Brewed 12/6/06, bottled 29th!!!! Will be flat for a few weeks yet. I've got some stubbies left over and will test in two weeks and keep you posted.


Likewise with mine. Bottled 30-6-06. Give it at least 2 weeks, preferably 3 or 4 weeks from the 30th. :)

I tasted one of mine last night and think it needs quite a bit more time. I could still taste priming sugar, so unless Linz's garage is warmer than my brew cupboard, it won't be ready for another week at least. It also had a slightly bitter astringency to it, so there's a potential dud warning attached, also (weird coz it tasted pretty good at bottling time). I have a few more test bottles left over, so I'll post back here with comments in another week :(
Drank a bottle of mine last night, it is ready to go after being allowed to settle for a few days in your fridge. Am pleased that there is a keg full lagering on the veranda. Going to be great drinking when the weather warms up.
Mine is all good to go.
The recipe is here

Will take the previous posts pointing out the details of consumption and add them to the first post and remove those sections of the posts to keep it all tidy.

Quittin time ESB

Recipe here

Couldn't adjust the FG on the recipe page. :blink:
Should be 1.010, ABV 5.7%.
Good Day
Just picked mine up so thanks to all concerned. Have the recipe attached to each bottle but it is also in the recipe section (recipe and comments were for a previous but identical batch).
I will try Doc's Red tonight, can't wait. :party:
I have picked my batch up too !
Im going for Docs beer tonight also.
Thanks Linz/ BeerSlayer and all the guys who did the hard yards with transport etc.
Its bloody nice to look at all those beers and think ' hmm ' what do i feel like tonight ? ! :p
Thanks all participants,
Cheers x 28 = :D

Nifty's California Common
First beer outta the blocks for me.
Pours well, with a small dense white head, that unfortunately dissapates down too a very fine layer of foam.
Initially tasted it too cold, so allowed it to warm up for further eval.
Slightly cloudy ala Coopers PA, but from memory that is to style. Deep straw in colour. Nice maltyness to the beer with subdued silky flavours coming through with some late bitterness. Recipe isn't in the database yet, but the smooth bittering flavours remind me of beers I've brewed with hersbrucker or perle late in the boil.

Really enjoyable Nifty.

My verdict on Doc Irish Ale

Docs : Irish Red Ale

Great colour, deep red hue very clear & clean appearance.
Thick foamy off white head.
Carbonation medium.
Malty profile, medium body
Aroma of pepper?
Slighlty asrtringent
Very impressive appearance, although not a smooth to drink as I would like.
Slight astringenetcy detected, and slight oxidation (cardboard)
Very nice to drink, as per style.
Nice beer indeed.
Cheers Doc

Recipe here -Common Californian

I'm really looking forward to picking up the beers and getting stuck into them. :chug:

Nifty, Kungy, Josh and Berto,

Let me know when you are ready for pick up.

Good Day
Had the pleasure of having Doc's Red last night. Had it before eating, during dinner (braised steak and onions) and after dinner. Very impressed. The following are my impressions.

Appearance: Good long lasting white head, amber with red highlights with sound depth of colour, low/ medium carbonation with fine bead, clear/brilliant. 3/3

Aroma: Substantial toffee and coffee aroma, very clean, solid depth of malt, verging on a lolly aroma but very enticing. 10/12

Flavour: Sweet caramel malt with a depth of toffee, low bitterness, sweet finish but with some balancing dryness from the crystal malts. Very rich malt, verges on cloying but falls on the right side and makes it very moreish. 16/20

Body: Medium carbonation, medium/full mouthfeel, very smooth, to style. 4.5/5

Overall: A most rich caramel/toffee version of the style but it stays enticing from first sniff to last sip. 8.5/10

Total: 42/50 IMHO

A bloody hard act to follow.
My recipe is here >> KoNG's HaCkNey BiTteR

I received my cases today thanx to Gerard M.... big effort..!
also kudos goes to Weizguy, who sent me some Wit yeast after a sly comment i made earlier.. another big effort.
and of course Duff and Mrs Duff and also Doc and the other couriers.


In case anybody missed it in the other thread

All of the Newcastle entries are at MHB's ready for pick-up.

n00ch, Gough, Weizguy, Stephen, Keith, Trent, Chilled

Enjoy :chug:
Thanks shmick. I'll pick them up this arvo.

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