Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

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Absolutely on the yeast.
I had Stuster's Best Bitter last night and saved the dregs and yeast for cultivation :p
Was a nice drop too Stuster. Hit the spot nicely and went well with a Prawn Stirfry.

Xmas case-sters,

Just a brief note to advise that I have collected my case (and extras) yesterday arvo.

Am impressed with all, and immediately investigated Doc's extra bit (well, as soon as I got home).

I'll follow Gough's lead and allow my beers to settle a while. Since I asked others to be patient with my beer, I'll try to do the same.

Some of my bottles have a bit of yeast in the neck, so I'll do my best to suspend it back in the beer and allow to settle.

It'll take me a while to decide which to drink first, coz I'm a known obfuscator.

Thanks to all who participated, and please look forward to my glowing feedback.

It'll be interesting to see if my beer offends any tasttebuds. It was a bit of a shock when I first brewed it. This is only the second time I've made the sour weisse, so I'm either foolhardy or confident with my brewing. maybe a bit of both. I'm sure I'll find out on this forum.

Seth :p
Reading this I am so jealous I didnt get in....

Though obviously all you AG's wouldnt have been to keen on my kit and bits compared to some of the masterpeices brewed here!
DrewCarey82 said:
Reading this I am so jealous I didnt get in....

Though obviously all you AG's wouldnt have been to keen on my kit and bits compared to some of the masterpeices brewed here!


I'm happy that I didn't let this chance go by (hey, isn't that a song about Newcastle).

Kit and bits are welcome to participate, so don't hold yourself back next time.

Apart from the logistics of it all, I'm sure that we could do it more than once a year. :lol:

Weizguy said:
It'll be interesting to see if my beer offends any tasttebuds. It was a bit of a shock when I first brewed it. This is only the second time I've made the sour weisse, so I'm either foolhardy or confident with my brewing. maybe a bit of both. I'm sure I'll find out on this forum.

Seth :p

I've tried both versions Weiz and they didn't offend me ;) Interesting beers alright, but not 'offensive' I don't reckon. :)

Weizguy said:
DrewCarey82 said:
Reading this I am so jealous I didnt get in....

Though obviously all you AG's wouldnt have been to keen on my kit and bits compared to some of the masterpeices brewed here!


I'm happy that I didn't let this chance go by (hey, isn't that a song about Newcastle).

Kit and bits are welcome to participate, so don't hold yourself back next time.

Apart from the logistics of it all, I'm sure that we could do it more than once a year. :lol:


No wuckers for me dude am just down the road from beerslayer so would have been sweet as!
Picked mine up today from beer slayer - sorry I missed you mate. Boy your dog is vicious :p , almost licked my fingers off when I gave him a pat through the fence.
Great looking labels everyone unfortunately for me my pc doesn't have a dvd reader so can't view Doc's extra yet.
I like the Black Cap Doc, although I'm not sure I'd want to be one when our boys get over there in a few days :D

cheers all
Stickler said:
Picked mine up today from beer slayer - sorry I missed you mate. Boy your dog is vicious :p , almost licked my fingers off when I gave him a pat through the fence.
Great looking labels everyone unfortunately for me my pc doesn't have a dvd reader so can't view Doc's extra yet.
I like the Black Cap Doc, although I'm not sure I'd want to be one when our boys get over there in a few days :D

cheers all


The black plastic item is courtesy of Borret. What yeast did you use in your Porter?

It was the black cap on the bottle I was referring to but thanks also to Borret for the extra. It looks like it is multi functional - what else does it do apart from undoing twist tops?

The yeast I used is nothing special. The HBS guy sold it to me and told me it was a good ale yeast (dry). It was called Younga's N.Q. N14 ale yeast. I tried to find some info on it but couldn't anywhere and I think it may have been some leftovers he was trying to get rid of. Has anyone heard of it?.

Don't think I'll be going back to that guy. He told me to bring in a sample of the beer when I was done so I did expecting to taste it with him and get feedback ( he gave me the beer recipe too) but he wouldn't taste it "I've just had a coffee", took it from me and said he'd give me a phone call me when he'd tried it!. That was 2 weeks ago and I've heard nothing from him.
Stickler said:
The yeast I used is nothing special. The HBS guy sold it to me and told me it was a good ale yeast (dry). It was called Younga's N.Q. N14 ale yeast. I tried to find some info on it but couldn't anywhere and I think it may have been some leftovers he was trying to get rid of. Has anyone heard of it?.

I think it might be the same as Maurifoods 514.
beer slayer said:
PS. my amber ale could do with another week or so for carbonation
Bugger. Knew I should have checked the list before opening a bottle :(
Definitely a little under carbonated.

just picked up my case from Duff.....

NOW....... where to start..? :chug:
homebrewworld.com said:
Mash Schedule

Mash Type: Single Step

Saccharification Rest Temp : 0 Time: 0
Mash-out Rest Temp : 0 Time: 0
Sparge Temp : 0 Time: 0

Wow, HBworld, that makes for a really quick brew day!
Methinks the beer might turn out a little sweet though ;)

berapnopod said:
Methinks the beer might turn out a little sweet though ;)

I reckon starchy would be a better description. :blink:
Just got my xmas case back from Beerslayer today. Thanks again all, and thanks for the extras too!

I intend to give y'all feedback on the beers, but I have been known in the past for being brutally honest with beer evaluation. If anyone would prefer me to PM them what I thought, rather than a public trounsing, just PM me. I'm not going to go out of my way to badmouth anyones beer, its just if one has an infection, I will say just that in case it can help the brewer in the future, rather than save someones feelings.

Personally berapnopod I'd like honest feedback, brutal or otherwise. Perhaps PMing would be good, partly to save the feelings of the recipient, but mostly because otherwise this thread will get incredibly long. Not sure what everybody else thinks?
Stuster said:
Personally berapnopod I'd like honest feedback, brutal or otherwise. Perhaps PMing would be good, partly to save the feelings of the recipient, but mostly because otherwise this thread will get incredibly long. Not sure what everybody else thinks?

Stuster, Hopsta, Nifty, Berto:

Your cases are ready to pick up (and they're tasting good :chug: ). I'm home all weekend so pop around when ready.

am's Golden Ale goes down real well, Nifty's Aussie Pale Ale and Linz's IPA in the fridge this morning ready for this afternoon :beerbang:

Just finishing off Duff's Kolsch now.
A very easy drinking beer, which is going down well as I unwind from another mammoth week (NO YOU CAN'T HAVE IT IN BY XMAS) and watch the heavy rain try to destroy my hop crop.
Definitely less hop aroma and flavour than my version and the haze is present as per your post Duff.
Fits the label perfectly. Would be great on the back nine on the way back to the clubhouse.

Whoops, just read that Kong's beer should have aged for a little longer.

Anyhow for what its worth Kong I thought your beer was fantastic. I could definately see the bastardised flavours emerging from the beer, and as far i'm concerned was the best of both worlds. Even better was the fact that the beer was only 3.8% alcohol, i'll definately be giving this beer a go in the future, only if i had your recipe. So could you please post it.

Also i was convinced by your bottles to go to champagne bottles, i love the fact that they can be sealed up with a champagne sealer for later on. I'm sold on both fronts.

Go the Xmas case.......

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