1. SJW - (1a-Bo Pils) (1b-Bav Lager) (1c-English Bitter) (1-d Duvel Clone) All ready to drink!
2. Stuster - English Summer Ale, WLP005, bottled 28/10 - ready to drink
3. Fatgodzilla - Ronald Reagan all American Ale .. Yanks do have something good to offer the world after all ! Will improve.
4. Barramundi - SWAPALE (US-05) (sorry guys due to time restraints its a kit beer)(bottled 6/11/07) tasted ok into the bottle)
5. Gulpa - Pale Ale (Nottingham) - Bottled 25/11 - give it a few weeks
6. nifty - esb (WLP023)
7. KillerRx4 - Oatmeal stout
8. Peve - American Pale Ale - Golden - ABV 4.5% Ready to Drink
9. Steve (ACT) - Nelsons Bastard Ale (Nottingham) - Bottled 27/10/07 - ready to drink
10. Brewer - Blonde lager (WLP 830)Bottled 19/11/07
11. Punter- Summer Blonde
12. Kabooby- Belgian Dubbel (WLP550)
13. floppinab - English Bitter (Nottingham) - Bottled 7/11/2007, ABV 4.9% - ready to drink but will improve over the next month
14. Josh - Wheat Beer (S-06 wheat)
15. Oblomov - Belgian Dark Strong Ale - WLP500 - Bottled 29-SEP, ABV 8.0% - ready to drink
16.HomeBrewWorld.com- Unsure atm
17.Beerslayer- Australian Pale
18. goatherder - Czech Dark Lager. Wyeast 2001. 5.1% abv. bottled 17/11/2007
19. Keith
20. Trent - Brown Porter
21. Thommo - Cream Ale - Nottingham, bottled 25/11/07, so will need 1 week before you fridge it.
22. Muggus - Armoured Hawk Ale (AAA)
23. monkeybusiness - something like a foreign extra stout
24. MVZoom - Clayton Koelsch - the one you have when not having a Kolsch. Needs 4 weeks more conditioning
25. Tony - The Sheep Shagger. 7.4% ABV. 1.066, 66 IBU Bottled 25/10/07. Ready to drink.
26. n00ch - Foreign Extra Stout
27. crozdog - The Johnny Nash "I Can See Clearly Now" Bright Ale
28. redbeard - English Bitter (Nottingham). Ready to drink. The sooner the better !