Noobiest Of Noob Question

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Hi all,

I'd like to preface this by saying I have searched but couldn't find an answer!

I'm relatively new to the brewing game, have just got my fridge and stc-1000 sorted, have done a fair few brews so am not a complete noob, but I keep hear people talking about Cubes.

My question - whats the difference between a fermentor & a cube?? And what would a Cube be used for?

Its a 20L water drum. Most of them are cube shaped.

Hi all,

I'd like to preface this by saying I have searched but couldn't find an answer!

I'm relatively new to the brewing game, have just got my fridge and stc-1000 sorted, have done a fair few brews so am not a complete noob, but I keep hear people talking about Cubes.

My question - whats the difference between a fermentor & a cube?? And what would a Cube be used for?

cubes are cheap plastic carboys used for drinking water, for camping and stuff.

people use them in place of fermentors quite often. they can be cheaper and sometimes easier to clean and they are more efficienct in shape vs volume than a carboy so work well in space-limited breweries.

also people have less of an attachment to them over fermentors, so it's psychologically easier to throw them out if you suspect infections, etc.
A cube is a willow plastic jerry can . It is used for no chill and as a fermentation vessel . No chill is when you pour the hot wort from the boil kettle straight into the cube and let it cool overnight before pitching the yeast and or storing the wort for a period of time until one is ready to pitch the yeast .One can then either pour the cooled wort into a fermentation vessel or use the cube to ferment in .DOH beaten to the punch .

Id say more use them for NC then secondary. Should we start a poll?? :p yeah they are square or rectangular in shape and only have a small opening.
I use the cube for no chilling and fermenting. Chill it and ferment it in the same vessel ... easy as. You will have to give up the airlock and use gladwrap. This can be traumatic for some in the beginning .......
beaten as well :angry:







Thanks chaps for indulging my naivety, greatly appreciated.

Re the gladwrap - my new fermenting fridge will fit 2 fermenters in IF I sacrifice airlocks. Needless to say I will be. However, today after cleaning out the fridge and reinforcing the shelf with some plywood I thought to myself "come on mut, have a practice on that empty fermenter using the o-ring and some gladwrap, surely can't be that hard" - needless to say I proved to myself that I am in fact retarded.

Is there a preferred technique that will give me back my gladwrap confidence?
You are destined to have many children Mut if you cannot grapple with the gladwrap ....

Whack it on and use a lacky band ...
today after cleaning out the fridge and reinforcing the shelf with some plywood

I replaced my timber supports wiith an aluminium support when it all started to go mouldy... was 'orribel.. now it's much nicer, so just watch for that, the timber will take on moisture an it aint pretty.

you know what they say, 'if its not on, its not on'
cubes are cheap plastic carboys used for drinking water, for camping and stuff.

people use them in place of fermentors quite often. they can be cheaper and sometimes easier to clean and they are more efficienct in shape vs volume than a carboy so work well in space-limited breweries.

also people have less of an attachment to them over fermentors, so it's psychologically easier to throw them out if you suspect infections, etc.

the fermenters are hard enough to clean, lots of soaking and elbow grease.

cubes are easier to clean??

tell me more Sensei .. teach me how?
Easy as - Napisan, hot water, half fill and then shake a bit. Turn it upside down and leave it overnight.
That's it
You are destined to have many children Mut if you cannot grapple with the gladwrap ....

Whack it on and use a lacky band ...

Darn gladwrap got the better of me...twisted it in a knot and everything!

#2 due in Feb...feeding every 4 hours..hang on thats my brew schedule as well. Looks like i will be stock piling CC's in Feb.
I use the cube for no chilling and fermenting. Chill it and ferment it in the same vessel ... easy as. You will have to give up the airlock and use gladwrap. This can be traumatic for some in the beginning .......
beaten as well :angry:

Not true, buy a replacement cap for your cube and put a grommet on it....or if your lid has a threaded knockout not being used yet, go to the hardware store an buy 2 pvc plugs that fit the threads. Dlill a hole in one so you can silicone in a lock. leave the other alone so you can plug the hole when need be.

the fermenters are hard enough to clean, lots of soaking and elbow grease.

cubes are easier to clean??

tell me more Sensei .. teach me how?

never needed elbow grease! cant be any easier just blast as much of the caked on yeast and all the yeast slurry out the bottom with a hose on jet. put prob 5 tablespoons of sodium perc in there then about 1lt of hot water to dissolve it fill to the brim throw the fermenter tap, hoses, fittings and anything else you need to clean and just leave it. 1-2 days is enough but I leave it till I gotto use it or till another fermenter frees up as you can reuse the solution I add maybe 1 more tablespoon to be sure and tip it all into the other fermenter. rinse the one thats been soaking well and sanitise it if you have a brew to fill it with.

Never used a cloth or brush or anything. just a hose, kettle and some sodium perc. Oh be careful as it will rust metal in about 10 hours if your not careful so now my filter has no bleeder valve it rusted out and leaks air in so I ripped it out and block it off when I prime it up.
Cubes on the left and Jerry's on the right.

View attachment 51061

Screwy, what are the dimensions of the jerries?

I have a tiny freezer that fits one fermenter (round) but I reckon it could fit 2 or possible 3 jerries of the right size.

I'm at work no dimensions, but it's a tiny "drumstick" icecream freezer. Can drop wort by 80 degrees in about 6 hours (no deadspace), but the disadvantage is, I really can't use it for lagering, and I'm thinking I might like to.


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