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That's when you know you've got a moral compass set in the right direction... When you consider the actions you've taken are not an option, just what anyone would do. When in reality not everyone would take that path.

Kudos mate.

Edit: and with 2 boys, one 6 months and the other 2 and a half of my own, I completely understand what you've been through and appreciate what you've done for those kids.
I was getting ready to say something about Bum's situation, and then I found this post that said it all.

Bum, you think it was the only option, but as argon says many people don't see it that way. I am constantly amazed at the actions of people when it comes to their kids, as I couldn't imagine not doing everything that was necessary for mine.

To take on that responsibility takes a good person, to stick with it a better one.

Do not deny yourself a beer, I'm quite certain you've earned it!
Fresh curry leaves and GB?


[EDIT: torpo]
never trust the government. just ask the boys from the katanning boarding school run by dennis mckenna
That sucks and all, but how is it the governments fault? Plenty of **** like this happens -- public, private, religious, the point is people suck.
That sucks and all, but how is it the governments fault? Plenty of **** like this happens -- public, private, religious, the point is people suck.

It was pointed out and complaints made to police, government officals and the high school principal! the person who made the tough decision to talk to the princapal and the police was expelled from the boarding house - saving him from more molestation -and then to have legal threats made to him and his family to apologise to the principal and dennis mckenna.

So the government officals who were made aware did nothing and swept it under the carpet. then dennis mckenna was given an award from the town.!! wtf

But in the end you are right people suck but some people should do there job!
Hmm, ok there was obviously more too it than I knew about. My point stands though, people suck <_<

As someone that works in the public sector though, it's generally useless management and polices rather than general staff.

The plebs (of which I am one) generally try and be helpful, its just often they are hobbled.
unfortunately leiothrix there is. It is a sad state of affairs that this happened in the town where my brothers where born and and in the years that they were there (albeit when they were 1 and 2 yo at the time) but i am sure my mums knows about it too.

the public sector hey.

Is it true that if your useless that they will move you around because it is to hard to sack you?

I'm asking because a person high up was moved from one region for failing to act on the bushfires in the pilbara region that caused the death of two trucks to now be in control of the south west region that again he ****** up with the backburn destroying house's business and laying waste to most of the region from augusta to busselton. SO instead of been given his marching orders he has now had his control of back burning and bush fires removed and given to a newly set up department by the liberal government! What an immense **** up !
Is it true that if your useless that they will move you around because it is to hard to sack you?

Yeh, pretty much unfortunately.

You either get sidelined or promoted. Promoted sounds funny, but you have to remember that in the public sector you can completely ignore your boss and nothing is likely to happen. If you're at least mostly doing your job and not doing anything illegal, everyone is too lazy to follow through on any disciplinary actions.

That is both good and unfortunate. Good because it stops bullying because you can basically tell your boss to **** off, bad because it means there are a lot of useless people hanging around. Keeps them off the streets though I suppose :rolleyes:
I've seen the same in the private sector. Or worse still, they move the useless people into management positions as they're no good on the tools. Happens when there's a shortage of 'good' people around and any bum on a seat can be charged out.
I think the trouble starts when they recruit the cheap, 'will stay with us' desperadoes and then they do stick like warts.
Given the Right time, And In depth consideratioN, there are lots of hidden messages in the texts we encounter in everyday life.

I've Been thinking aboUt a Lot of Keenly interesting things lately.

For example, the role of suBliminal, or at least sUbtle and pernicious, techniques used bY many marketers etc.

It seems some are Not so subtle...

I wonder what the people in MELBOURNE think about this?

I'd offer to do something about but I'm just simple country folk, I only plant seeds...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That was a whole lotta nuthin.
Firstly I wish to thank our wonderful SES people for the informative flood kit they dropped in on the 1st - followed by a evacuation warning by way of SMS and phone message last Saturday morning - followed by a visit in person to inform us that basically none of our neighbors were bothering to leave.
Sorry the hysterical, litigation parinoid local council (who saw fit to close Windsor bridge without so much as a drop of water passing over it) chose waste your time that could have been better spent helping folk in the lower areas. The irony is when they re opened the bridge the level actually peaked higher. Awesome. My wife who's currently studying her for her masters in education was so glad to have missed her weekend lectures / exams that now have to be completed online.
Makes me feel a little embarrassed when I look at places like Wagga and the poor bastards that have lost / will loose everything.

Flood mitigation plans for the area that would spare authorities the bother of recommissioning sub stations and other minor utilities like people's businesses should a 'big one' hit - and they have - have been submitted and ignored by successive state governments since the 1960's. I guess it's cheaper to dig up a few sandbags and bunting.

On a sadder note, I've had a head cold that's manifested itself by way of a throat that feels like an inflamed hose pipe and an almost complete shutdown of my olfactory system.
I couldn't even taste the hops in a SN Torpedo. Just tasted like fizzy water that burned my throat. I drank three and gave up *sniff..*
On a sadder note, I've had a head cold that's manifested itself by way of a throat that feels like an inflamed hose pipe and an almost complete shutdown of my olfactory system.
I couldn't even taste the hops in a SN Torpedo. Just tasted like fizzy water that burned my throat. I drank three and gave up *sniff..*
My thoughts are with you in this difficult time. Stay strong.

So, my sister has already gotten herself into a situation where a hospital is going to call DHS on her. The baby has ridiculous sunburn apparently. Pus on her face and all that. Poor little bastard. I don't even understand how she managed it - not just in terms of "How the hell do you let that happen?" but also in terms of the fact that it was overcast for much of yesterday. Her uselessness distorts the physical world.
My thoughts are with you in this difficult time. Stay strong.

So, my sister has already gotten herself into a situation where a hospital is going to call DHS on her. The baby has ridiculous sunburn apparently. Pus on her face and all that. Poor little bastard. I don't even understand how she managed it - not just in terms of "How the hell do you let that happen?" but also in terms of the fact that it was overcast for much of yesterday. Her uselessness distorts the physical world.

A few thoughts:
Shortwave radiation (UVA) can penetrate clouds, windows/glass and can lead to sunburn. Even on a cooler, cloudy day in summer you can still get terribly sunburnt. Glare or reflection off water areas, windows or other shiny areas such as a tin roof or wall can magnify your exposure to UV rays.
You can get sunburnt in as little as 15 minutes.
Little people in particular have sensitive skin and the poor little buggers get cooked by the sun quite quickly. Pus sounds like deep tissue/ severe sunburn.
Yeah, I know. I'm quite fair-skinned myself and understand how easy it is to get sunburned and also understand how it might be even easier for a baby. What I don't understand is how someone might not take any precautions whatsoever and also not monitor the baby well enough so that the situation not only occurs (perhaps understandable) but is allowed to go on long enough that it becomes something that requires a frigging hospital visit.

I just hope her face doesn't get scarred. I only mentioned the situation with the kids originally because I thought the situation was over (for a while, anyway). I'm not really comfortable talking about it while it is a going concern so I probably shouldn't have started again now.
i understand your concern with the sisters kids but i for one have been sunburnt through a long sleeved shirt and sunscreen. i have read your posts but dont be to quick to judge is all.
Yeah, I know. I'm quite fair-skinned myself and understand how easy it is to get sunburned and also understand how it might be even easier for a baby. What I don't understand is how someone might not take any precautions whatsoever and also not monitor the baby well enough so that the situation not only occurs (perhaps understandable) but is allowed to go on long enough that it becomes something that requires a frigging hospital visit.

I just hope her face doesn't get scarred. I only mentioned the situation with the kids originally because I thought the situation was over (for a while, anyway). I'm not really comfortable talking about it while it is a going concern so I probably shouldn't have started again now.

Yeah Bum it is frustration mate, some things are just beyond belief to 'normal'* folks like us. What seems logical to us is not even considered by others. For it to be your sister involved, well surely she had a similar upbringing to you, so why such a difference? I don't want to know why, I am just empathising.
My missus is great, her youngest sister is great but her middle sister is an irresponsible sack of **** who is undoubtedly going to have her baby taken from her. Despite our best encouragement, ultimately the decisions and actions are theirs to take and there is little we can do to influence them. Frustrating and heart breaking. These are things that will affect the little people for the rest of their lives. I am sorry to say it Bum but this hospital visit may not be a wakeup call, I've seen other folks who never heard the call.

*Term used a bit lighlty perhaps.
I understand what you're saying, markfish. You may even be right. But it is a lot easier to say than to do. Thanks, though - I know where you're coming from.

Frustrating and heart breaking.

Thanks to you as well.

I hope your SIL wakes up to herself before she gets to my sister's stage. Hopefully that die is not cast.

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